This repository contains sample Ansible inventory templates that should be used to define an inventory that will work with this Apigee OPDK Ansible framework. The following inventories are defined:
- Edge 2 Node
- Edge 5 Node
- Edge 5 Node that also defines an Apigee Mirror node
- Edge 5 Node that also defines monitoring nodes for Grafana, Influxdb and Telegraf
- Edge 5 Node that also defines nodes for Apigee SSO (Currently under construction)
- Edge 10 Node that installs Routers and Message Processors on separate nodes.
- Edge 10 Node that installs Routers and Message Processors on the same node.
- Edge AIO Node
- Edge Devportal
- Two Regions
- Three Regions
- Five Regions
Inventory files are annotated to provide guidance regarding how to indicate the different roles that the nodes will fufill. Inventory semantic conventions are described here.
This is not an officially supported Google product.
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