
Lightweight SQS-like queue API using CL and Woo

Primary LanguageCommon LispMIT LicenseMIT


The intent of this project is to implement a lightweight queue API akin to AWS SQS. The idea is to provide a fast API with fewer constraints that's entirely on the user control. The back-end server is woo and the persistence medium is a Postgres instance. I decided to use CL because I wanted to give a shot on a project with a broader scope, and test web servers and containers for CL. It should be easy enough to port to another back-end, although Woo seemed pretty fast (and is according to their benchmark).

The concepts were borrowed from SQS, but the design of the API is slightly different. A single table was designed and a few other support constructs are provided to allow the storage of messages, and the usage of indexes provide fast concurrent enqueue/dequeue operations. Unlike SQS, there aren't built-in queue-wide configurations. Any customizations can be made by the user at will.

The API is unopinionated about input/output format. So all input/outputs are considered plain text. It's up to the user define which type of message they'll send to the queue. This allows users to use XML or even S-Expressions as message formats. Additional message data is sent on the response headers.

How the queue works

The queue is very similar to SQS. In fact, it can be viewed as various queues. Messages are posted by consumers, and the ordering of the messages is the creation time stamp on the persistence medium (unlike SQS, which uses the sender time stamp). When enqueueing a message, each producer must specify a group id and a de-duplication id. Messages belonging to a specific group id can be viewed as a queue on their own. The de-duplication id prevents adding duplicate messages to the queue, for a particular group, until that message is deleted (SQS, on the other hand, allows choosing the de-duplication scope and the de-duplication id is only valid on a particular time window).

Since the queue is meant to be used on distributed systems, when a consumer dequeues a message it's not deleted automatically. It becomes invisible for other consumers, until the visibility timeout has passed. If the timeout has passed, and the message was not deleted, other consumers may see it. Also, if a message for a given group is received, but not deleted, no messages from the same group can be retrieved, until that message is deleted. Each time a message is received, the API returns a receipt id. This id changes each time a given message is read. This receipt is used to delete the message. This ensures that only the consumer which last received the message can delete it. Also, the receipt id can be used to change the visibility timeout of a given message. This can be useful if the message is meant to be read again by other consumers, after some processing finishes successfully.


The API is very simple. One path /queue is used on all requests. Each of the four operations uses a semantically correspondent HTTP method. To authenticate requests, an api-key header can be sent on the request (see more on the section below). This header can be omitted if no API_KEY is set. Only the payload is sent on the request body, as plain text (text/plain). All parameters are sent via URL params.

The API is unopinionated about message format. Everything is seen as plain text. There are some obvious downsides, which most of you already know, but let me talk about the upsides:

  • No time spent on validation (this can make a difference on larger payloads).
  • User can choose the format that bests suits them (S-Expressions is a classical example).
  • Users can use multiple formats (this is very rare, and likely to be a bad idea, but sometimes it can be useful due to some external constraint).

Since the API is unopinionated about the format, the are two types of data returned by a request:

  • On the body: The payload (only on dequeue)
  • On the headers: additional message data (timestamps, message id, receipt id, etc.)

Data is returned only on a successful code 200 response. To differentiate between errors, empty responses and good responses, the semantic HTTP status codes are used:

  • 200: Response returned data successfully. Additional headers should be present.
  • 204: Response returned successfully, but with no data.
  • 401: Unauthorized request (wrong api-key request header).
  • 404: URL not found.
  • 405: Method not allowed.
  • 422: Invalid URL params.
  • 500: Error on the app. See the logs.

Since the URL params are very simple, only unexpected errors are logged.

POST: Enqueue

URL Parameters:

  • group-id: Required. Can be any string from 1 to 128 characters.
  • deduplication-id. Optional. Can be any string from 1 to 128 characters. If not supplied, the de-duplication id is auto-generated making the SHA-1 hash of the payload

Request Body: The payload text.

Response headers:

  • Message-Id: The id of the message on the database.
  • Message-Md5. The MD5 hash of the payload.
  • Message-Timestamp: The creation time stamp of the message on the persistence medium. Use this to assert ordering if desired.


curl 'http://localhost:5000/queue?group-id=my-fancy-group' -d 'Waddap' -v

< Connection: keep-alive
< Content-Type: text/plain
< Message-Id: ebb87403-bdf1-4608-b810-c5d56d8b0c66
< Message-Md5: c59688cd1ef3ed3c377f240939d63a5a
< Message-Timestamp: 1651024563183145
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked

Try the same request again, and we would have:

< Connection: keep-alive
< Content-Type: text/plain
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked

But if we add the deduplication-id, then we'd have:

curl 'http://localhost:5000/queue?group-id=my-fancy-group&deduplication-id=no-dupes' -d 'Waddap' -v

< Content-Type: text/plain
< Message-Id: fe5d0964-af81-435b-9e36-8809260e1716
< Message-Md5: c59688cd1ef3ed3c377f240939d63a5a
< Message-Timestamp: 1651024577831246
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked

GET: Dequeue

URL Parameters:

  • visibility-timeout: Optional. Any integer between 0 and 86400. The default is 60. Note that if you set to 0, the dequeue operation will always return the same message.

Response headers:

  • Message-Id: The id of the message on the database.
  • Message-Receipt-Id. The id of the message read. It's unqiue and changes for each read.
  • Message-Timestamp: The creation time stamp of the message on the persistence medium. Use this to assert ordering if desired.
curl 'http://localhost:5000/queue?visibility-timeout=10' -v

< Content-Type: text/plain
< Message-Receipt-Id: 2af18f7d-6475-5e64-87f3-e8e7334810ac
< Message-Id: 24648dca-7cdc-4c76-a2bf-94e50bb949f3
< Message-Timestamp: 1651024563183145
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked

If we retry the curl before 10 seconds have elapsed, we'd have:

< Connection: keep-alive
< Content-Type: text/plain
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked

After this period, the first response would repeat.

Note that the second enqueued message didn't show up in the second request. That's because they have the same group id. If they were different, it would show up.

DELETE: Delete message

  • receipt-id: Required. The receipt id obtained on the read of a message.

Response headers:

  • Message-Id: The id of the deleted message on the database.

After receiving a message, simply:

curl -X 'DELETE' 'http://localhost:5000/queue?receipt-id=2af18f7d-6475-5e64-87f3-e8e7334810ac' -v 

< Connection: keep-alive
< Content-Type: text/plain
< Message-Id: 24648dca-7cdc-4c76-a2bf-94e50bb949f3
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked

If the receipt id doesn't exist anymore on the database (that is, someone else read the message after you), the 204 empty response is returned.

PATCH: Change visibility

  • receipt-id: Required. The receipt id obtained on the read of a message.
  • visibility-timeout: Required. The new visibility timeout that's desired. Note that the timeout adds up to the current date, so 0 would make the message visible instantly, while any value greater than 0 would make a message invisible instantly.

Response headers:

  • Message-Id: The id of the updated message on the database.

Almost equal to DELETE:

curl -X 'PATCH' 'http://localhost:5000/queue?receipt-id=2af18f7d-6475-5e64-87f3-e8e7334810ac?visibility-timeout=30' -v 

< Connection: keep-alive
< Content-Type: text/plain
< Message-Id: 24648dca-7cdc-4c76-a2bf-94e50bb949f3
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked

The same receipt id constraints from DELETE apply to this method.



There's an optional API_KEY environment variable that lets the user define an authentication key. Any crypto-safe randomly generated string of a decent size could do the trick (if you have SSL. See below.). I decided to keep authentication very simple, since the program would run on a controlled infrastructure. A big enough api key should be safe on most cases.


All messages are stored on the message table, along with their payloads and other data. More details on the file. Check the queries folder, also. It's recommended to create a user with the appropriate permissions on production. I didn't create one to not make an opinion about password generation/parameterization.


woo does not have SSL, support, but so does a good number of back-ends. SSL can be added using proxy servers like ngnix or haproxy. I didn't test those myself yet, but I plan to do it some time soon.


Env vars

The following env vars are used to configure the app:

  • DB_HOST: Host name of the Postgres instance (defaults to localhost).
  • DB_PORT: Port of the Postgres instance (defaults to 5432).
  • DB_USER: User of the Postgres instance (defaults to postgres)
  • DB_PASSWORD: Password of the Postgres instance (defaults to postgres).
  • DB_NAME: Name of the Postgres instance database (defaults to postgres).
  • API_KEY: The API key used to authenticate requests. Defaults to nil, in which case no authentication is used and the api-key header can be omitted.
  • WOO_ARGS: A prop-list containing the keyword args of woo:run. Defaults to nil. The values on docker-compose.yml seem satisfactory for basic usage.

Running the app

cl-sqs is meant to run as a Docker container. A docker-compose.yml is provided to create an easy-to-use development environment. Usage on production would better have a separate DB instance. To use docker-compose, simply:

docker-compose up

And it should build the image automatically.

Alternatively, build the image with:

docker build -t cl-sqs .

And run the container with the desired options (see the docker run for more information).

Note: This image is by no means an optimized image. It's seems good enough, but I could not find a slim Common Lisp image.

To run on the REPL:

(ql:quickload :cl-sqs)

Make sure that the folder you've cloned the code to is registered on quicklisp local projects repository.

To run the tests, it's recommended to use the docker-compose.yml. I didn't use a unit-test framework, since there aren't unit tests, just "integration" tests:

(ql:quickload :cl-sqs-test)
;; ensures that the queues works under concurrency
;; benchmarks the database

Check the tests code to see more details.


Benchmarks on distributed systems must be taken with a grain of salt, specially if the conditions of the experiment are not well known. I benchmarked locally, so the numbers may vary a lot for each person. The queries are optimized with indexes, which are working well. woo has it's own benchmark, which I'm assuming has valid results. I didn't test on an actual distributed scenario. I plan to do that some other time.

For 1 million messages, the average time of each operation is pretty much similar, something like ~3ms. This goes up, until the query index points to a new page, and then go slightly down. For 10 million messages I didn't do extensive testing (takes too long to insert all that lol), but the results were more or less the same. Any half decent machine running the Postgres instance would yield satisfactory results as well.

I didn't test concurrent cl-sqs instances, but it's assumed to work if they point to the same Postgres instance (as the DB manages all concurrency). A load balancer could be used to achieve good performance on a high concurrency multiple-instance scenario.