- minikube
- vcluster CLI
- Linux terminal
minikube start
cd helper-scripts
./scaffold.sh ## Will install argocd and create 3 clusters (alpha, beta and gamma)
./build.sh # This will build the svc image and load in minikube
Main resources are the ones that will likely exists in the long term and be found within infrastructure/main, to create then:
terraform workspace select main
terraform apply
Ephemeral resources can be deleted anytime to save $
and they're within infrastructure/ephemeral, to create them in AWS you can run:
terraform workspace select ephemeral
terraform apply
# Adding helm repo
helm repo add kyverno https://kyverno.github.io/kyverno/
# Installing chart
helm install kyverno kyverno/kyverno -n kyverno --create-namespace
Create a new secret and decorate it with rabbitmq-password
kubectl create secret generic rabbitmqpass
Decorate the values.yaml
with the new secret reference
existingPasswordSecret: "rabbitmqpass"
It will secure that the secrets don't get recreate, so the PersistentVolume don't have to be recreated as well to have the new secret
If rabbitmq was initially created with a different password, it will fail the health checks
- Scale down
- Delete the pvc
- Delete the pv
- Scale up (pvc will create the pv again)