
Ubuntu installation scripts

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Ubuntu install scripts

Gnome shell extensions

Applications Menu by fmuellner System extension Add a category-based menu for applications.

Auto Move Windows by fmuellner System extension Move applications to specific workspaces when they create windows.

Bluetooth quick connect by bjarosze Allow to connect to paired devices from gnome control panel.

Clipboard Indicator by Tudmotu Clipboard Manager extension for Gnome-Shell - Adds a clipboard indicator to the top panel, and caches clipboard history.

Dash to Panel by jderose9 An icon taskbar for the Gnome Shell. This extension moves the dash into the gnome main panel so that the application launchers and system tray are combined into a single panel, similar to that found in KDE Plasma and Windows 7+. A separate dock is no longer needed for easy access to running and favorited applications.

Desktop Icons by rastersoft System extension Add icons to the desktop

Horizontal workspaces by fmuellner System extension Use a horizontal workspace layout

Launch new instance by fmuellner System extension Always launch a new instance when clicking in the dash or the application view.

Native Window Placement by fmuellner System extension Arrange windows in overview in a more compact way.

OpenWeather by jens Weather extension to display weather information from https://openweathermap.org/ or https://darksky.net for almost all locations in the world.

Places Status Indicator by fmuellner System extension Add a menu for quickly navigating places in the system.

Removable Drive Menu by fmuellner System extension A status menu for accessing and unmounting removable devices.

Screenshot Window Sizer by fmuellner System extension Resize windows for GNOME Software screenshots

Sound Input & Output Device Chooser by kgshank Shows a list of sound output and input devices (similar to gnome sound settings) in the status menu below the volume slider. Various active ports like HDMI , Speakers etc. of the same device are also displayed for selection. V20+ needs python as dependency. If you want to continue with the old method without Python, use options to switch off New Port identification. But it works with only English

Ubuntu AppIndicators by didrocks System extension This a mock extension. It does nothing if installed from extensions.gnome.org. Please use KStatusNotifierItem/AppIndicator Support which provides the same functionalities. This name is used to protect and reserve the name for ubuntu appindicator, available as a system extension on ubuntu. This allow us to not trump updates outside of our QA process via an external upload.

Ubuntu Dock by didrocks System extension This a mock extension. It does nothing if installed from extensions.gnome.org. Please use dash to dock which provides the same functionalities with different defaults. This name is used to protect and reserve the name for ubuntu dock, available as a system extension on ubuntu. This allow us to not trump updates outside of our QA process via an external upload.

User Themes by fmuellner System extension Load shell themes from user directory.

Window List by fmuellner System extension Display a window list at the bottom of the screen.

windowNavigator by fmuellner System extension Allow keyboard selection of windows and workspaces in overlay mode. number selects a workspace, and number selects a window.

Workspace Indicator by fmuellner System extension Put an indicator on the panel signaling in which workspace you are, and give you the possibility of switching to another one.