
Bash scripts to switch between the internal speaker and USB audio on an Anbernic rg351v

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Bash scripts to switch between the internal speaker and USB audio on an Anbernic rg351v.

Picture of the Anbernic rg351v with a USB bluetooth receiver, connected to the USB-C port

I made these 2 small scripts in order to make it easier to switch between speaker audio and USB audio. It's only been tested with an Anbernic rg351v, since that's the only device I have. The scripts may not be perfect, audio can be crackly (at least over Bluetooth).

Before using these, make sure to follow these steps first. Otherwise, these scripts will not work! Thank you, mars0124 for writing these instructions.

  • Connect to wifi

  • Enable remote services

  • SSH into device

sudo passwd root

sudo cp ~/.asoundrc /etc/asound.conf

sudo nano /etc/asound.conf - replace hw:0,0 with hw:1,0 for USB audio. Reverse for speaker/headphones.

  • At this point, make 2 copies of asound.conf, One will be called sp.conf and will contain hw:0,0, the second file will be named usb.conf and will contain hw:1,0. Both files will be saved in a new folder called "adio" (Not "audio"). These filenames are all case sensitive. Here's how.

sudo mkdir /etc/adio

sudo cp /etc/asound.conf /etc/adio/sp.conf

sudo nano /etc/adio/sp.conf - Change hw:1,0 to hw:0,0

sudo cp /etc/asound.conf /etc/adio/usb.conf - This one should already have hw:1,0

sudo chmod 000 ~/.asoundrc - this file resets and will override /etc/asound.conf, above

  • run alsamixer to change volume. Hit F6 to select audio card.

  • Not sure if this is needed, but I have also run:

sudo apt install alsa-base pulseaudio

  • If this doesn't work, reboot and try again.

You'll need to relaunch your emulator after plugging/unplugging/updating /etc/asound.conf. Oh, and alsamixer doesn't save your volume selection by default. run "sudo alsactl store" to do this.

After all the steps are completed, you may copy UsbAudio.sh and SpeakerAudio.sh to roms/Tools. If your audio does not work, restart the audio service by running systemctl --user restart pulseaudio or set your device to sleep, then wake it back up by tapping the power button.