Interface for MSX to Connect and use Raspberry Pi resources

Primary LanguageAssembly

MSXPi has two main branches:

master - current working stable release. This contains code for the branch under development, in a more mature state, but may not contain most current tools.

dev - current devlopment branch. This is where latest tools are developed and tested. Code here might change overnight, and even several times a day. Things may nor work properly, so if you want something more usable, go to the master branch or dev_0.7.

dev_0.7 - Contain ealier development code. Uses an old single-byte protocol, and only support BASIC client (no MSX_DOS).

Other branches might appear and dissapear. I recommend you not to use them.

MSXPi project is structured around three directories:

/software  - all software goes here
/hardware  - electric schematics, cpld design files
/documents - documentation

The /software branch has this structure:

|    | 
|    /asm-common
|    |----
|    |    |
|    |    /include
|    |    
|    |
|    /ROM
|    |----
|    |    |
|    |    /src
|    |
|    /Client
|    |----
|    |    |
|    |    /src
|    |
|    /Server
|    |----
|         |
|         /c
|         |
|         |----
|         |    |
|         |    /include
|         |    |
|         |    /src
|         |