
Python and Django Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



Part 1: Front-End Development

Collection of scripts, codes, assessment, capstones projects

HTML Folder

Folder with scripts, quizes and assessments created while learning the course

basics.html, basics_click.html and assessment_1.html

- Basic Tagging, lists, divs and spans and attibutes
tables.html & tables_quiz.html

- Basic tables and its field attributes

- Forms, labels, selections
assessment_2.html & assessment_2_thanks

- Basic Sign Up page with a Thank You response

CSS Folder

Folder with scripts, quizes and assessments created while learning the course

basic_css.html & basic_css_style.css

- Basic text, borders, background, colors
- Image background
assessment_1.html & assessment_1_style.css

- Text, border, background, visited link
fonts.html & fonts_sytle.css

- Link and use fonts from fonts.google.com
box_model.html & box_model_style.css

- Boxing content using IDs

Mini Project - Spectrum

spectrum.html & spectrum_style.css

- Mini project
- Inspired by Spectrum V by Ellsworth Kelly

Project - External Folder

Basic styled landing page project.

- Check folder "Basic-Landing-Page":
- https://github.com/carlosmertens/Landing-Page

Bootstrap Folder

Folder with scripts and project showing how to use Bootstrap 4

buttons.html, forms.html, navbars.html & grids.html

Project - External Folder

Basic website project for a coffee business

- Check folder "Bootstrap-Coffee-Lover"
- https://github.com/carlosmertens/Landing-Page

JS Folder

Folder with scripts, exercise and project showing basic JavaScript

basic_JS.html & basic_JS.js

- Print message, create varibles and display console.log messages
exercise1.html & exercise1.js

- Load page and get x amount of pounds from user and then convert it in kilograms and log convertion
control_flow.html & control_flow.js

- Demostrate if, if else and else contitions
loops.html & loops.js

- Demostrate while loops conditions
- Demostrate for loops (for, for/in and for/of)
exercise2.html & exercise2.js

- Exercise loops with some quizes

Project - Find The Spy

project_spy.html & project_spy.js

- Website checks if the visitor is a spy or not
functions.html & functions.js

- Demostrate basic functions
exercise_functions.html & exercise_functions.js

- Exercise and quizes from codingbat.com
exercise_array.html & exercise_array.js

- Create a web app that works with roster
- Add, remove, display actions
exercise_object.html & exercise_object.js

- Exercises and quized to show objects methods

DOM Folder

Folder with scripts, exercise and project showing basic Document Object Model (DOM)

basic_DOM.html & basic_DOM.js

- Demostrate basic interactions between html, JavaScript and DOM
content.html &and content.js

- Demostrate how to change content with DOM
event_listener.html and event_listener.js

- Demostrate how to use Event Listener with DOM

Project: Tic Tac Toe Game

tic_tac_toe.html, tic_tac_toe_style.css and tic_tac_toe.js

- Tic Tac Toe Game
- Demostrate how to manipulate and interact using DOM
- Simply select pick in the cells but does not declare winner

jQuery Folder

Folder with scripts, exercise and project showing basic jQuery

basic_jQuery.html, basic_jQuery.js and content_jQuery.js

- Basic jQuery demostration (action on click, double click, animations, etc)

Project: Connect 4 Game

connect4_game.html, connect4_game.js

- Connect Four Game Project
- Demostrate heavely use of jQuery

Part 2: Back-End Development

Python-Beginner Folder

Folder with scripts, exercise and project showing beginning skils for Python: Numbers, Strings, Lists, Dictionaries, Tuples, Sets, Booleans, Control Flows, Functions


- Numbers: Integers and floats
- Strings: Indexing, slicing, basic methods and string formatting

- Create list, indexing, slicing, mutable items
- Methods: len, append, extend, pop, reverse, sort
- List Comprehension

- Create Dictionary, indexing, item mutable and add item

- Create Tuples and Sets
- Convert a Tuple to a Set

- Solve exercises:
- Indexing and slicing Strings, Lists, Dictionaries
- Convert a List to a Set
- Print formatting

- If, elif and else
- For Loops: Iterates list, dictionaries and tuples (Tuples Unpacking)
- For and Range
- While Loops
- List Comprehension
functions.py and functions_exercise.py

- Create function with/out arguments
- Filter method
- Lambda Expression
- endswith() method

Project: Simple Guess Game


- Simple game to guess computers's number
- Use functions, while loops, for loops, enumerate
- Import random library

Python-Intermediate Folder

Folder with scripts, exercise and project showing intermediate skils for Python: Scope, Object Oriented Programming, Errors and Exceptions, Regular Expressions, Modules and Packages, Decorators and Name and Main


- LEGB (Local, Enclosing Functions Locals, Global, Built-in) Rule

- OOP - Create Class with attributes, callable methods, change attributes methods
- Inheritance and Special Methods

- Errors, Exceptions and Finally
- Open, Write files

- Regular Expressions: search, find, start, split
05_module_packages.py and moduloPackges.py

- Import function from another script

- Build up functions inside functions
- Decorators
07_name_main.py and nameMain.py

- How to use name and main to import modules

Project: War Card Game


- Heavy use of Classes (Object Oriented Programming)

Django Folder

Project: first_project

- Explore Django initiation projects and apps, use HttpResponse()
- Map urls route with own urls.py in the Django App (Modulate the Routing)
- Create modulated templates, use render function to work with Django Templates Variables (Template Tags)
- Insert statuc files (images, css files) using template tags
- Create models, super user, open admin webpage
- Use Faker to populate the models
- Models-Templates-Views Paradigm. Insert date to tables

Project: ProTwo

- Practice to initiate a project and an app
- Practice to link apps in the project
- Practice to modulate the urls, create template tags
- Practice to migrate app, create admin
- Practice to insert data with template tags
- Convert ProTwo Project into a sign up page

Project: BasicForms

- Initiate project and an app
- Create Django Forms
- Create bot catchers, validate name, email and text


- Create project and an app
- Link pages with Relative URL Templates