WebApp deployed via Heroku
at the following link:
The project is a standard Maven project. To run it from the command line,
type mvnw
(Windows), or ./mvnw
(Mac & Linux), then open
http://localhost:8080 in your browser.
Default credentials:
- User: user
- Password: userpass
You can also import the project to your IDE of choice as you would with any Maven project. Read more on how to import Vaadin projects to different IDEs (Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans, and VS Code).
When running the project locally, an h2 in-memory database is used. Data can be view following this steps:
- Open the application.properties file.
- Write the following code:
- Go to http://localhost:8080/h2-console/ and log in:
: jdbc:h2:mem:testdbUser
: saPassword
: password
We'll leave the rest of the fields as they're.
When the app is running via the https://vaadin-login-page.herokuapp.com/ page, a PostgreSQL database is used instead. Data is stored using a database provided by Heroku, where the project is hosted.
To create a production build, call mvnw clean package -Pproduction
or ./mvnw clean package -Pproduction
(Mac & Linux).
This will build a JAR file with all the dependencies and front-end resources,
ready to be deployed. The file can be found in the target
folder after the build completes.
Once the JAR file is built, you can run it using
java -jar target/flowcrmtutorial-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
contains the navigation setup (i.e., the side/top bar and the main menu). This setup uses App Layout.views
package insrc/main/java
contains the server-side Java views of your application.views
folder infrontend/
contains the client-side JavaScript views of your application.themes
folder infrontend/
contains the custom CSS styles.
User's privileges aren't managed, it's just a demo and security is't the purpose of it. In case of looking to add or manage the existing users to log into the page, they can be modified following the next steps:
- Go to the SecurityConfig.java file.
- Default user is defined using the CrmMemoryUserDetailsManager constructor. See the following arrow.
private static class CrmMemoryUserDetailsManager extends InMemoryUserDetailsManager{
public CrmMemoryUserDetailsManager(){
----> createUser(new User("user","{noop}userpass", Collections.singleton(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("USER"))));
//createUser(new User("admin","{noop}adminpass",Collections.singleton(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("ADMIN"))));
The line below the arrow shows what we would have to do if we wanted to add an admin user with admin privileges.