
ROS Package for the control of a Robot to play Air Hockey Game (cartesian robot)

Primary LanguageC++


Package for controlling the robot to play air hockey game.


  • To comunicate throughout the serial port with the Arduino.



  • Necessary items to comunicate ROS and Arduino to the control of different motors DC.
  • Necessary messages to comunicate nodes.
  • Programs of diverses nodes to execute the defined task.

Quick Start

  • To generate all the necessary libraries for the comunication with Arduino, in the desired folder:

rm -rf ros_lib

rosrun rosserial_arduino make_libraries.py .


  • To generate the executable for python codes

chmod +x vision.py

  • To execute the master and link the serial port (not recommendable)

roslaunch air_hockey arduino.launch

Execute the executables (Accurate order)

  • Run the master


  • Charge the program in Arduino.

  • Link the serial port (if not launch):

rosrun rosserial_python serial_node.py _baud:=57600 _port:=/dev/ttyUSB0

  • To execute the nodes separately in the computer (in order)

rosrun air_hockey vision.py rosrun air_hockey prediccion rosrun air_hockey planificacion rosrun air_hockey gestor_es rosrun air_hockey gestor

To move motors manually

  • Observate the robot position:

rostopic echo /pos_robot

  • Send to one position (i.e. pos [10,30]):

rostopic pub --once /control air_hockey/hockey_pose "{tiempo: 0.0, x: 10.0, y: 30.0, cal_x: false, cal_y: false}"

  • Search the sincronism position (i.e. the motor 1)

rosservice call /moveHome "id: 1"