Maqplan scripts

These scripts are used to manage AWS services, with external proxy, SSM access, and logs.
To use any scripts here, you will need to install the aws cli before.


When start to use a new enviroment, it's necessary to configure it.
Just execute the configure command and answer the questions:

maq configure

All next commands can be passed the --env option. This option is the name of enviroment configured previously.

List configs

List all enviroment names configured on your host:

maq list-configs

List instances

List all EC2 instances on the AWS account.

You can also filter by tag Name of instance

maq list-instances --env env-name

# filter by name
maq list-instances --env env-name --name 'EC2 Instance Name'

SSH access

Acess the ssh from instance using AWS SSM authentication.

The user need to have SSM role configured.

maq ssh --env env-name

Proxy database

If you had configured the database proxy options, you can proxy database connection to access in localhost:

The user need to have SSM role configured.

maq proxy-database --env env-name