
Dotfiles & Configs

Primary LanguageVim Script

Dotfiles & Configs


Make sure to check the keybindings and the software they are based on before using any of the window manager configs.







Key Action
mod + h next window (left)
mod + j next window (down)
mod + k next window (up)
mod + l next window (right)
mod + shift + h decrease window size
mod + shift + l increase window size
mod + shift + j move window down
mod + shift + k move window up
mod + shift + f toggle floating
mod + tab change layout
mod + [1-6] Switch to workspace N (1-6)
mod + shift + [1-6] Send Window to workspace N (1-6)
mod + w kill window
mod + ctrl + r restart wm
mod + ctrl + q quit


Key Action
mod + m launch rofi
mod + shift + m window nav (rofi)
mod + b launch browser
mod + e launch file explorer
mod + return launch terminal
mod + r redshift
mod + shift + r stop redshift
mod + s screenshot (scrot)


Software Utility
Picom Compositor for Xorg
NetworkManager Self explanatory
PulseAudio Self explanatory
Brightnessctl Laptop screen brightness
Udisks Storage devices
Feh Manage Wallpapers
Libnotify Desktop notifications
Trayer Systray
Udiskie Automounter
Cbatticon Battery systray
Volumeicon Volume systray
UbuntuMono Nerd Font Nerd Font for icons
Material Black GTK theme and icons
Alacritty Terminal emulator
Thunar Graphical file explorer
Ranger Terminal based explorer
Neovim Terminal based editor
Rofi Menu and window switcher
Scrot Screenshot
Redshift Take care of your eyes