
Deployment of a Java WebApp with Kubernetes

Primary LanguageSmartyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Deployment of a Java WebApp with Kubernetes

This repo contains two possible ways to deploy the advertisements WebApp, with Kubectl and with Helm

Deployment of the app

Steps to deploy the APP:

Common previous steps:

  • Run command to be able to translate www.myweb.com domain name in Linux:
export MINIKUBE_IP=$(minikube ip)
echo $MINIKUBE_IP www.myweb.com | sudo tee --append /etc/hosts > /dev/null
  • Create required folder /mnt/data in minikube node:
minikube ssh
sudo mkdir /mnt/data
  • Options:
  1. With Kubectl (in folder kubectl):
kubectl create -f 10g-volume.yaml
kubectl create -f mysql-pvc.yaml
kubectl create -f webapp.yaml
  1. With Helm (in folder helm):
helm install webapp --name webapp

The application is available in:

Steps to stop the APP

  • Options:
  1. With Kubectl (in folder kubectl):
kubectl delete deployments db webapp
kubectl delete services db webapp
kubectl delete pvc mysql-pvc
kubectl delete pv 10g-volume
kubectl delete ingress ingress
  1. With Helm (in folder helm):
helm delete --purge webapp

*Both folders include scripts to install and delete easily the App