
Twitter´s statistics

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

twitter stats

Twitter statistics



  • nodeJS 0.10
  • npm 1.4

How to install

    $ git clone https://github.com/carlosvillu/twitter-stats
    $ cd twitter-stats
    $ npm install

How to use

Basic use involves a csv in the filesystem. To view all stats use the following instruction,

	$ DEBUG=twtstats:* node inde.js

It is also possible to use an online csv file as a data source.

	$ DEBUG=twtstats:* URL_CSV=https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1478817/blackfriday2013.csv node index.js

Last, to get a verbose output, use DEBUG=*


The goal of this script is to show a statistical study on the impact of day of the week and time slots on a series of tweet aspects. Specifically, number of retweets and number of favorites. The script also includes a bespoke index that combines these two aspects, assigning different weights to retweets and favorites: Favs+(2xRtwts).

Additionally, the script includes information about Twitter use as a function of day of the week and time slot.