Udacity ReactND Project - Mobile Flashcards

The Mobile Flashcards app is the 3rd and final project required for the Udacity React Nanodegree program. This is a React Native app so the same codebase is used to create packages for both Androids and iOS.

The Mobile Flashcards app allows the user to create decks. Each deck contains a set of cards with a question and an answer.

The user can start a quiz for a given deck and evaluate themselves for correct or incorrect answers. Users are given a score at the end of completing a quiz session.

A scheduled notification is shown everyday at 8:00 pm if the user hasn't attempted at least one quiz question for that day.

Technical Specs

The app uses the following packages:


  • react
  • react-native
  • expo


  • react-navigation
  • react-navigation-tabs
  • Async Storage: I am using the recommended package from react-native-community
  • UI Toolkit: I am using icons from react-native-ionicons
  • State Management: I am using Redux
  • This is not an expo application. You need to have either the iOS simulator or Android emulator.

See the package.json file for more info on installed dependencies.


  1. You need to have Node.js, npm and yarn installed
  2. Proceed by cloning or downloading the project as a zip
  3. Extract and change directory to the project folder
  4. Open your Terminal or Command prompt and type yarn install
  5. cd ios
  6. pod install
  7. cd ..
  8. To run the iOS version, run: npx react-native run-ios
  9. To run the Android version, run: npx react-native run-android

How to Run the App

The app has been tested on both Android and iOS physical emulators.

  • Install either iOS simulator or Android emulator.
  • All your devices (computer running the Metro Bundler, Android and iOS device) should be connected on the same local area network