
Official implementation of Semantic SuperPoint (LARS-2022): https://arxiv.org/abs/2211.01098

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Semantic-superpoint (SSp)

This is the official implementation of the paper Semantic SuperPoint: a Deep Semantic Descriptor. The implementation is based on the open source implementation of the SuperPoint paper done by You-Yi Jau and Rui Zhu

  • Differences between our model and SuperPoint (Sp)
    • The SSp uses a segmentation head to learn semantic segmentation through multi-task learning. The core idea is to make the descriptor intrinsically learn semantic information extracted by the shared encoder;
    • This implementation uses the 2017 MS-COCO dataset instead of the 2014 one;
    • We implement multiple multi-task losses to improve the final result, more specifically: uncertainty based loss and Central dir + Tensor. The results are compared against the uniform loss.


The code used to implement the central direction + tensor method is not public available, so we removed from this repository (the *_ang files will not work now).

Semantic SuperPoint model:


Comparing both models

Results on HPatches


  • It was not possible to replicate the result obtained from the Magic Leaps pretrained model since the official implementation is not public available;
  • Compared to the others SuperPoint variations the SSp + unc performs better at the Matching Score;
  • Pretrained models can be found in logs folder;
  • "pretrained/superpoint_v1.pth" is from https://github.com/magicleap/SuperPointPretrainedNetwork
  • The evaluation is done under our evaluation scripts.

Results on the KITTI sequence dataset (SLAM)

To extract the trajectories from the KITTI sequence dataset we used this repository: Semantic_ORB_SLAM2. The APE and RPE were averaged over 10 runs in each sequence.




  • pytorch >= 1.1
  • torchvision >= 0.3.0
  • cuda
  • Tested with python 3.8.10, Pytorch 1.9.0 and CUDA 11.2. Not using this PyTorch version may cause a problem when loading the pre-trained weights (see issue #4).
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements_torch.txt # install pytorch

Path setting

  • paths for datasets ($DATA_DIR), logs are set in setting.py


Datasets should be downloaded into $DATA_DIR. The Synthetic Shapes dataset will also be generated there. The folder structure should look like:

datasets/ ($DATA_DIR)
|-- COCO
|   |-- train2017
|   |   |-- file1.jpg
|   |   `-- ...
|   `-- val2017
|       |-- file1.jpg
|       `-- ...
`-- HPatches
|   |-- i_ajuntament
|   `-- ...
`-- synthetic_shapes  # will be automatically created
`-- KITTI (accumulated folders from raw data)
|   |-- 2011_09_26_drive_0020_sync
|   |   |-- image_00/
|   |   `-- ...
|   |-- ...
|   `-- 2011_09_28_drive_0001_sync
|   |   |-- image_00/
|   |   `-- ...
|   |-- ...
|   `-- 2011_09_29_drive_0004_sync
|   |   |-- image_00/
|   |   `-- ...
|   |-- ...
|   `-- 2011_09_30_drive_0016_sync
|   |   |-- image_00/
|   |   `-- ...
|   |-- ...
|   `-- 2011_10_03_drive_0027_sync
|   |   |-- image_00/
|   |   `-- ...

Run the code

  • Notes:
    • Start from any steps (1-4) by downloading some intermediate results
    • Currently Support training on 'COCO' dataset (original paper), 'KITTI' dataset (only the non-semantic version)
  • Tensorboard:
    • log files is saved under 'runs/<\export_task>/...'

tensorboard --logdir=./runs/ [--host | static_ip_address] [--port | 6008]

1) Training MagicPoint on Synthetic Shapes

python train4.py train_base configs/magicpoint_shapes_pair.yaml magicpoint_synth --eval

you don't need to download synthetic data. You will generate it when first running it. Synthetic data is exported in ./datasets. You can change the setting in settings.py.

2) Exporting detections on MS-COCO / kitti

This is the step of homography adaptation(HA) to export pseudo ground truth for joint training.

  • make sure the pretrained model in config file is correct
  • make sure COCO dataset is in '$DATA_DIR' (defined in setting.py)
  • config file:
export_folder: <'train' | 'val'>  # set export for training or validation

General command:

python export.py <export task>  <config file>  <export folder> [--outputImg | output images for visualization (space inefficient)]

Export coco - do on training set

python export.py export_detector_homoAdapt configs/magicpoint_coco_export.yaml magicpoint_synth_homoAdapt_coco

Export coco - do on validation set

  • Edit 'export_folder' to 'val' in 'magicpoint_coco_export.yaml'
python export.py export_detector_homoAdapt configs/magicpoint_coco_export.yaml magicpoint_synth_homoAdapt_coco

Export kitti

  • config
    • check the 'root' in config file
    • train/ val split_files are included in datasets/kitti_split/.
python export.py export_detector_homoAdapt configs/magicpoint_kitti_export.yaml magicpoint_base_homoAdapt_kitti

3) Training SSp or SP on MS-COCO/ KITTI

You need pseudo ground truth labels to traing detectors. Labels can be exported from step 2) or downloaded from link. Then, as usual, you need to set config file before training.

  • config file

    • root: specify your labels root
    • root_split_txt: where you put the train.txt/ val.txt split files (no need for COCO, needed for KITTI)
    • labels: the exported labels from homography adaptation
    • pretrained: specify the pretrained model (you can train from scratch)
    • config file is slightly different for the semantic version. See an example in "configs/superpoint_coco_train_wsem_heatmap"
  • files that end on *_all.py are for training with the uniform sum loss and *_all_ang.py are for training with central dir + tensor method

  • 'eval': turn on the evaluation during training

  • Semantic SuperPoint specifcs

    • To configure the semantic label of the MS-COCO dataset we use 133 classes as configured in "utils/coco_labels".
    • To train the semantic version, you need to specify it in the config file (semantic: True), and provide the others semantic parameters

General command

python train4.py <train task> <config file> <export folder> --eval


python train4.py train_joint configs/superpoint_coco_train_heatmap.yaml superpoint_coco --eval --debug


python train4.py train_joint configs/superpoint_kitti_train_heatmap.yaml superpoint_kitti --eval --debug
  • set your batch size (originally 1)
  • refer to: 'train_tutorial.md'

4) Export/ Evaluate the metrics on HPatches

  • Use pretrained model or specify your model in config file
  • ./run_export.sh will run export then evaluation.


  • download HPatches dataset (link above). Put in the $DATA_DIR. python export.py <export task> <config file> <export folder>
  • Export keypoints, descriptors, matching
python export.py export_descriptor  configs/magicpoint_repeatability_heatmap.yaml superpoint_hpatches_test


python evaluation.py <path to npz files> [-r, --repeatibility | -o, --outputImg | -homo, --homography ]

  • Evaluate homography estimation/ repeatability/ matching scores ...
python evaluation.py logs/superpoint_hpatches_test/predictions --repeatibility --outputImg --homography --plotMatching

Export and evaluate one log folder

  • Define the folder to export in the config file "magicpoint_repeatability_heatmap_export.yaml"
  • The results will be saved in a csv format in the logs folder
  • The descriptors extracted are going to be continually rewritten, so if you want to extracted the descriptors for a specifc model use the commands above
python export_eval.py export_descriptor configs/magicpoint_repeatability_heatmap_export.yaml superpoint_hpatches_test -r -homo

5) Export/Evaluate repeatability on SIFT

# export detection, description, matching
python export_classical.py export_descriptor configs/classical_descriptors.yaml sift_test --correspondence

# evaluate (use 'sift' flag)
python evaluation.py logs/sift_test/predictions --sift --repeatibility --homography 

Pretrained models

Best of each method

  • COCO dataset

    • SSp + unc:


    • Sp + unc:


  • KITTI dataset

Model from magicleap


Extract torch.jit.script model

To extract the scripted version of the pretrained model use the code in convert2script. In the model file, need to change the forward method declaration and the return type to be a list (both changes are commented).

python3 convert2script


Semantic SuperPoint:

  author={Gama, Gabriel Soares and Dos Santos Rosa, Nícolas and Grassi, Valdir},
  booktitle={2022 Latin American Robotics Symposium (LARS), 2022 Brazilian Symposium on Robotics (SBR), and 2022 Workshop on Robotics in Education (WRE)}, 
  title={Semantic SuperPoint: A Deep Semantic Descriptor}, 


This implementation is based on the forked repository developed by You-Yi Jau and Rui Zhu.

Author = {You-Yi Jau and Rui Zhu and Hao Su and Manmohan Chandraker},
Title = {Deep Keypoint-Based Camera Pose Estimation with Geometric Constraints},
Year = {2020},
Eprint = {arXiv:2007.15122},