
Extract ReactiveX operators from official ReactiveX sources. Used for the paper Mining the Usage of Reactive Programming APIs: A Mining Study on GitHub and Stack Overflow.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ReactiveX Operators Scraping

Provides scripts to extract ReactiveX operators from official Rx libraries sources. Scripts used for the following paper during the 19th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR '22):

Mining the Usage of Reactive Programming APIs: A Mining Study on GitHub and Stack Overflow.

Complementary scripts, also utilized during the paper production, are available in:

The following sources are currently scraped (extracted):

For the purposes of the paper, only the operators of RxJava (RxJava repository), RxJS (RxJS repository), and RxSwift (ReactiveX website) were utilized.


After cloning, install the dependencies before the first usage

npm install


node scrape


All the results are output in the result folder. For each running, the script will generate a subfolder in result folder indicating a current timestamp following the format pattern: year-month-day hour-min-sec.millisec.