Run Application

Use docker to easily start the application

docker compose up --build

Then visit the application at http://localhost:5173

Manual Setup

The project was built in node v20.4.0 and using pnpm package manager.

To setup the frontend, navigate to the frontend directory and run corepack pnpm install to install the pacakages then run corepack pnpm dev to start.

To setup the backend, navigate to the backend directory and run corepack pnpm install and corepack pnpm start:dev to start.


The UI is a simple form that contains a select dropdown, input and button. The input field is only for aesthetic, as mentioned in the requirements

I've prepared 2 branches to showcase my experience and skill


The main branch contains my solution to how I interpreted the problem. The implementation is mostly done in the frontend and the backend is just to help with the request since we can't make a direct reuqest to the provided URL since it's a CORS issue.

The implemented solution tries to follow the requirements as close as possible. The parsing is handled by the native api DOMParser and fetch was used to handle http requests.

The solution is also implemented following a functional paradigm as this is the pradigm that React follows.

The backend exposes http://localhost:3000/v1/search/:service/:page where service parameter tells which search engine to use, google or bing. And page parameter tells which page to use.

The response of the backend is the raw HTML of the provided static pages.

The command pnpm test runs a simple test powered by vitest


The ideal-solution branch contains my solution to how I think it should be correctly implemented.

The parsing is offloaded to the backend, using nestjs, and the frontend's responsibility is purely for displaying.

The paradigm in the backend follows OOP since nestjs provides a lot of tools and resources for this approach.

In addition, I've added a few packages to help with the solution:

Frontend stack

  • axios - Http request library. Preferred this over fetch because it's a "batteries included". Pairs great with react-query
  • react-query - data fetching state management
  • pnpm - Package manager
  • Reactjs

Backend stack

  • nestjs - API Framework
  • cheerio - html parser.
  • pnpm - Package manager
  • axios