
Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Performance Optimization

This script was profiled using the memory_profiler gem. You can generate the report by running:

rake "profile[filename,dimensions]"

# e.g.

rake "profile[input.txt,12x12]

The problem with the previous implementation is that it's very space inefficient, specifically, table.rb and runner.rb.

A major improvement for table.rb is to remove instantiating an Array and instead, use a Range object for tracking the boundaries of the x and y axis.

For runner.rb, previously, the app builds the whole AST of the file in memory, now we'll start executing/interpreting line by line which helps reduce the consumption of memory and greatly reduces the CPU load


These metrics comes from running:

rake "profile[input.txt, 99999999x99999999]"

Stats for v0.2.0

Total allocated: 11.22 MB (267677 objects)
Total retained:  72.00 B (1 objects)

allocated memory by gem
  11.22 MB  toyrobo-ruby/lib
   80.00 B  other

allocated memory by file
   5.46 MB  toyrobo-ruby/lib/toyrobo/lexer.rb
   2.53 MB  toyrobo-ruby/lib/toyrobo/runner.rb
   1.57 MB  toyrobo-ruby/lib/toyrobo/parser.rb
 629.76 kB  toyrobo-ruby/lib/toyrobo/ast/command.rb
 419.92 kB  toyrobo-ruby/lib/toyrobo/table.rb
 314.95 kB  toyrobo-ruby/lib/toyrobo/interpreter.rb
 294.62 kB  toyrobo-ruby/lib/toyrobo/robot.rb
  832.00 B  toyrobo-ruby/lib/toyrobo/validations/table_dimensions_validation.rb
   80.00 B  /Users/carlwilliamtablante/Projects/toyrobo-ruby/Rakefile

Stats for v0.1.0

Total allocated: 3.10 GB (322784 objects)
Total retained:  72.00 B (1 objects)

allocated memory by gem
   3.10 GB  toyrobo-ruby/lib
   88.00 B  other

allocated memory by file
   1.60 GB  toyrobo-ruby/lib/toyrobo/table.rb
   1.49 GB  toyrobo-ruby/lib/toyrobo/runner.rb
   7.14 MB  toyrobo-ruby/lib/toyrobo/lexer.rb
   2.50 MB  toyrobo-ruby/lib/toyrobo/robot.rb
   1.08 MB  toyrobo-ruby/lib/toyrobo/parser.rb
 944.64 kB  toyrobo-ruby/lib/toyrobo/ast/node.rb
 629.76 kB  toyrobo-ruby/lib/toyrobo/ast/command.rb
 314.95 kB  toyrobo-ruby/lib/toyrobo/interpreter.rb
  832.00 B  toyrobo-ruby/lib/toyrobo/validations/table_dimensions_validation.rb
   88.00 B  /Users/carlwilliamtablante/Projects/toyrobo-ruby/Rakefile
   80.00 B  toyrobo-ruby/lib/toyrobo/validations/input_file_validation.rb


This is my implementation of the Toyrobot problem. It uses Ruby 3.2.2 and rbs for type annotations


The design makes use of Ruby's metaprogramming to handle sending the commands to the Robot.

The Robot is injected with the table dependency so that it can roam around it.

Parsing the commands from the file is done by using lexer.rb to tokenize the inputs. This would also identify any invalid command inputs.

After tokenizing the inputs, the tokens will then be used in parser.rb to analyze and create a structure (Very lightweight AST) that the Interpreter could understand. This includes association any arguments to commands when provided.

Lastly, interpreter.rb will read the structure and issue the commands to the robot.

The project uses Steep for type checking and rbs for type annotations.


The requirement is to have Ruby 3.2.2

Clone the repository then run bundle install to install the dependencies.

Then run rake build && rake install to build and install.

Run rake spec to run tests


Run toyrobo-carl to see the CLI help. To run, provide an input file using the -f option. e.g.

toyrobo-carl -f spec/fixtures/runner/input1.txt

Example inputs can be found on spec/fixtures/runner directory

Another approach, this repository contains an exe file that you can run without installing. Simply run ./bin/toyrobo-carl for the same effect.


The input right now requires a filename and it's not able to pipe inputs from stdin.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.