Easily add a "add to calendar" button to your websites. This JavaScript library supports Google Calendar, iCal, Outlook and Yahoo Calendar.
- 1
Multiple all day event does not work.
#38 opened by kpatelneha23 - 3
- 2
Why are `options` and `data` separate?
#34 opened by ubershmekel - 10
- 0
Add Multiple Dates with One Button
#35 opened by zoekirwan - 3
Add recurring events
#18 opened by gagarine - 4
Recurring Events
#26 opened by taykcrane - 1
links to
#32 opened by commonpike - 1
- 11
iCal generated are not displayed on iOS
#27 opened by lidiotduvillage - 0
Title including "&" breaks URL
#30 opened by SeanGPalmer - 2
Add to Outlook not working in IE
#15 opened by praveenpenjarla - 0
Dropdown list does not close on iOS devices
#25 opened by kinless - 4
Add Day Events
#8 opened by elchotcho - 1
No licence indicated
#20 opened by elyobo - 3
When click the page scroll all the way up.
#13 opened by OmarZeidan - 2
#10 opened - 0
Publish to NPM
#14 opened by lukestephenson - 0
Change text <label>
#11 opened by Bastorx - 1
Broken Link
#9 opened by mwsasser - 11
IE8 compatibility
#4 opened by marcovtwout - 2
- 11
- 2
IE7/IE8 javascript error
#3 opened by marcovtwout