CMPT 470 Group 1's Final project
By: James Leong Riku Kenju Carlson Chan Tyler Wong Eric Liu
Quick Start
Navigate to ./Final_Project Start the VM by:
$vagrant up
After VM is running go to your browser and navigate to localhost:8080
You can login as the default admin user:
Or go ahead and create a normal user by clicking the 'Sign up' button.
Disclaimer: All currencies are virtual and are not to be confused with real dollars
- Create a new user with any valid email Activate account by email verification.
- Password reset feature is functional.
- New user will be given 100,000 rubies along with the daili login bonus when logging in first time.
- Search an existing user by their name
- Admin users can block other users to prevent them from loggin in or do any other activities.
- Profile page contains tracked stocks, progress chart, folling/followers, currency
- Transactions page contains past transactions made (buying/selling stocks)
- My Portfolio page contains information shown to other users (your tracked stocks are publicly viewable by other users) -Setting page contains functions to change password, email, name, and avatar(through gravatar)
- Navigate to another user's profile page by clicking their name in the users page.
- Their tracked stocks will be displayed.
- Other users' currency is sensitive information and is hidden.
- You can follow other users to see how they are doing and learn their trading behavior.
- To follow a user, go to Users page, and search for a particular user or select one from the list.
- Click on the user name and jump to their public profile page.
- Click the big blue 'Follow' button to follow them.
- The top navigation bar contains a searchbox for searching a specific stock information.
- Check various stock information by searching with official symbol.
- Search is only available through symbols.
- example symbols => 'goog', 'aapl', 'yhoo'
- You can track the stock you are interested by clicking the 'Track' button.
- the stocks just added will be displayed on Home page above trending stocks.
- you can buy/sell or untrack stocks by clicking the correspoding buttons.
- added stocks will also be displayed in your "My Profile" page for you to have quick glance over basic stats.
- Top 5 most tracked stocks are shown on the Home page as tickers.
- The list refreshes with every page load
- Users can make transactions when buying or selling stocks using their virtual currency.
- To make transactions users can click the buy/sell button on their tracked stocks.
- A popup for buying/selling will be displayed as follows:
Adjust the ammount and click 'Make Transaction'.
Flash message will appear comfirming the transaction (if successful).
Error messages will be displated in the popup if illegal transaction amount is entered.
After making a transaction, the record will be kept in the Transactions page
- The daily bonuses are a way to keep the user flowing, even if they run out of the virtual currency.
- currently, for demo purpose, all users will be awarded 20,000 everytime they login. This is to demostrate the daily bonus feature easily.
- You can answer a financial/stock related question once per day to receive additional currency bonus.
- Click the light blue button at the bottom left to answer a question for bonus.
- You will recieve notifications about:
- A user followed you
- You have new bonus questions available
- To test this feature you can follow the user Eric Liu (as an example, any user would work)
- Then login as Eric (, Password1) and check the notifications