In the near future, droids have secured a bill of rights guarnateeing them the right to operate, determinate, and due process. With freedom, comes responsibility, and also irresponsibility. Criminal droids are innocent until proven guilty.
You are a defense attorney droid (DAD). Your function is to defend your clients in accordance with the law and pursue the execution of a fair trial.
- Select case from case briefings
- Meet with the client, determine plea and collect case facts and witness list
- Go to trial, call witnesses, interrogate them to prove the facts of your defense.
- Observe the prosecution droid for procedural errors and further case details
- Make closing argument
- Jury-collective instantly renders verdict.
- Droid Conversation engine
- Regression planner for generating cases
- Adversary AI
- [] Develop courtroom scene, ability to enter, exit, and move actors around inside it.
- Draw a title screen
- Develop a system for showing scenes
- Create the courtroom scene
- Make it possible to go from the title screen to the courtroom scene and back
- [] Define an Actor
- [] Define the heirarchy of spaces, put some in the courtroom, and put actors in the spaces
- [] Define an Actor controlled by the player
- [] Player Actor can receive messages from the space (pubsub system w/ limited propogation)
- [] Spaces publish messages up the heirarchy by default
- [] Messages have classes, "Spoken", "Whispered", "Passed"
- [] Script a hello world message from the Actor to the Player
- [] Develop a data format for defining title scenes
- [] Extend data format for defining tile scenes