A pre-scripted environment for osc/quilt
using carltonf/obs-toolbox
(WARNING: not all features listed here have been implemented yet.)
You need have setup up docker, and pulled carltonf/obs-toolbox
first. A
standard workflow would look like:
git clone https://github.com/carltonf/obs-workspace
cd obs-workspace
source tools/envsetup.sh
osc co openSUSE:Leap:42.1:Update/make
# after package downloaded
cd openSUSE:Leap:42.1:Update/make
quilt setup make.spec
# and etc.
Sourcing tools/envsetup.sh
enables you to use various pre-scripted tools like
, quilt
, type help
for more info.
Because some RPM spec files use macros that are only specific to this package
and there is no way obs-toolbox
can package all dependencies, a tool
is provided to stub out these macros. This is mainly to avoid
macro unfound errors during quilt setup <spec-file>
can be used to list all stubbed macros.
WARNING Bash envsetup.sh
is not implemented yet.
Bash's evnsetup
has borrowed heavily from Android's build/envsetup. Some
functions in fish
might be wrappers around Bash's counterparts, you need to
have fish-plugin bass. The plan is to have fish
native functions as much as possible.
Other than the envsetup
scripts, most heavy-lifting is done by
image. Take a look at the
repo for the curious.