
Details of case against InterCons SL of Mont Ras.

Problems with InterCons

This repo gathers the details of the case against InterCons SL, of Mont Ras, Girona, who worked on our house from Dec 2020.

The complaint has three parts:

  • Failure to complete the work.
  • Poor quality work.
  • Failure to honour the guarantee.


  • Basic timeline outline.
  • Gather more detailed photographs and documents.
  • Provide translations in Spanish and Catalan.

Timeline outline

The project began in December 2020 well enough. The target was to be done in 12 months, so we paid €120K down to bootstrap the build, and were due to make €60K payments roughly monthly over the period, requiring milestone assessments to release funds from the bank mortgage.

Throughout this 12 month period, all payments were made in full, and in a timely manner.

Things progressed seemingly well until June 2021, when InterCons moved their team to another project for for six weeks. They made assurances that the timeline would not be affected, but with hindsight we can see that the project was always running late from that point.

In December 2021, the project was due to be completed but there was a significant of work remaining to be done, and (more importantly) there we major quality issues (to be documented in full, but concerning the flooring and stairs in the main.)

In January 2022 we were presented with the next due invoice of €65K.

At this point we had paid over €550K (again, all in full, and in a timely manner). There was the €65K to pay, plus two more predicted invoices of €35K, and €15K to finish the project.

We were happy to pay this but raised questions about the quality issues, and what the timeline for resolving them was. InterCons did various minor task whilst the discussion went on, but made no steps to address the major issues, particulary the stairs.

On the week beginning the 10th January 2022 InterCons promised that the stairs would be done before the end of January. (My wife's family were coming the weekend of the 4th-6th February, and we were keen to have the stairs resolved so they could see the new house as it was meant to be.) By the end of January, the work on the stairs was not even begun.

At this point, we're two months late, there are serious problems, and InterCons are not doing the work they say they will. Nonetheless, we still wanted to believe them, and still wanted the work to be completed well.

On the 14th Feb 2022 we came to an agreement with InterCons that they would resolve the issue with the stairs in the following two weeks, and we paid them the €65K. On the very next day, instead of doing the work they had promised, InterCons removed their entire team from the project, without any communication.

This was the point at which all trust was destroyed, InterCons had straight-forwardly lied, after we had funded their work for a full year.

In March 2022 InterCons issued the next invoice for €35K. They were still not doing any work, and we refused to pay. After another month of stalling, we agreed that InterCons would do the necessary work on the stair, and at that point we would pay the €35K. The last invoice of €15K would then be paid when the project was completed.

InterCons did the work on the stairs and we paid the €35K in April 2022

After this, there was a period where InterCons did minor work towards finishing the project. At each point, we had to point out every detail that needed doing, but slow progress was made.

In the meantime though, problems had started to appear in the work that had been done. To be detailed, but the major problem was cracking appearing in the flooring throughout the house. This in addition to some remaining larger issues that InterCons had chosen to not deal with.

In the Autumn of 2022 and into 2023 some further attempts (to be detailed) were made to get the problems fixed, but as time went by it became increasingly obvious that InterCons were not going to finish the work.

InterCons had failed to resolve issues that had been first identified in December 2021 — problems that had been immediately apparent.

Once the cracking in the floor reached a certain point, they declared they were not going to fix it. The final payment of €15K remained pending throughout this period, representing about 2% of the total project cost. It seems clear they've decided that cost of making good the work isn't worth that. Hence the need to compile this case.