
Project for trying out C++ Interop with Swift in the context of a Library

Primary LanguageSwift

Package with Both C++ and Swift

This project is for testing C++ and Swift in the context of a library.

  • Apple Swift version 5.9 (swiftlang- clang-1500.0.40.1)
  • XCode 15, beta 6

code can be run via either

# pretty decent coverage of Swift calls by tests
swift test 
#for misc functions that need runtime testing:
swift run moarcxx


What's in the Package

cxxLibrary Target

Contains files for a prime number supplier class, see CMake blog post for origin. Since the numbers are supplied by a file in the bundle, project currently has a workaround to get the Bundle location from the Swift. Do not think that will be the real solution in the future.

Also has a collection of independent functions for testing different aspects of C++ Interop.


Swift files. Currently only has the one struct ThingCatalog to make it easier to call the C++ in tests and in the CLI.


Badly named Swift CLI (since its actually moarswift, really). For knocking out runtime checks. Not useful or full coverage. Will likely be renamed/retooled or just deleted.


(more also in the code body)

  • pick a naming/case style for Swift-embedded C++
  • Try adding C++ to tests

Troubleshooting Notes And Questions

  • Warning on swift test
Building for debugging...
ld: warning: object file (/Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/
was built for newer 'macOS' version (13.0) than being linked (10.13)