
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Draw and guess


This project is intend to learn Machine Learning. You can follow @Radu on youtube and code step by step.

Knowledge Required

  • HTML, CSS and Vanilla JS
  • JavaScript Canvas API
  • Basic NodeJS API
  • Vector 2D Math


  • Instead of redrawing everything on the canvas when emphasis a sample, use a transparency canvas to only redraw the sample.

  • Best K value

  • Using an overlay canvas to optimise performance when hovering and drawing

  • Long list rendering perf

  • Calculate the sample's width and height in a more reasonable way.

    • using something called Convex Hull
    • the bound is called Minimum Bounding box
    • the algorithm is Graham Scan Algorithm
  • Calculate a probability for the classification to be correct, based on the number of neighbors of the predicted class.


  • JS files in node folder need to be run in the same directory, not the root