
Just practicing creating Terraform Modules

Primary LanguageHCLMIT LicenseMIT

Create a solution to extract Azure Monitor Alerts

This Terraform module deploys an Azure Automation Account, Storage Account and a Runbook to extract Azure Monitor Alerts from the past 25 days, exporting this to a CSV and stores it in a file share in Azure Storage.

This is a module I created whilst in the process of learning to write Terraform and creating Terraform modules.


terraform {}

provider "azurerm" {
  features {}

module "alert_export" {
  source  = "carlzxc71/alert-export/azurerm"
  version = "1.0.5"

  rg_name              = "rg-alertexport-p-weu-001"
  aa_account_name      = "aa-alertexport-p-weu-001"
  storage_account_name = "stgalertexportpweu001"
  share_name           = "share01"
  storage_quota        = 5
  storage_dir_name     = "directory01"

  schedule = {
    day        = "Monday"
    occurrence = 1


Name Version
terraform >= 1.3
azurerm >= 3.50


Name Version
azurerm >= 3.50