Pinned Repositories
Play blackjack in the console!
Console application for transferring folders. There is a class for manual transfers and a class for automatic transfers.
Transfer files using the moveFiles(src, dest) function if they were edited in the past 24 hours
I'm currently a linguist in USMC signals intelligence community with a background in software development. Before my service, I worked on a development team building the database and reporting aspect of their software. Today, I'm using my coding skills and intelligence experience to work toward stronger cyber-defense through ethical hacking.
A UI for transferring folder contents and storing file's transferred in a local database
This is a proof of concept to be further built upon for interfacing the KerberosSDR with Ozzmaker's BerryGPS and IMU v4 in order to compile data from both sources and build a KML file to show accurate lines of bearing regardless of which direction antenna array is facing.
My portfolio website with contact form
Pashto dictionary that provides the Pashto words from English input. Dictionary implemented as a Google Sheets document for easier sharing.
carmanm's Repositories
This is a proof of concept to be further built upon for interfacing the KerberosSDR with Ozzmaker's BerryGPS and IMU v4 in order to compile data from both sources and build a KML file to show accurate lines of bearing regardless of which direction antenna array is facing.
I'm currently a linguist in USMC signals intelligence community with a background in software development. Before my service, I worked on a development team building the database and reporting aspect of their software. Today, I'm using my coding skills and intelligence experience to work toward stronger cyber-defense through ethical hacking.
Pashto dictionary that provides the Pashto words from English input. Dictionary implemented as a Google Sheets document for easier sharing.
Play blackjack in the console!
Console application for transferring folders. There is a class for manual transfers and a class for automatic transfers.
Transfer files using the moveFiles(src, dest) function if they were edited in the past 24 hours
A UI for transferring folder contents and storing file's transferred in a local database
My portfolio website with contact form