
NodeJS Workshop #2

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NodeJS Workshop #2

Base instructions

  • If you did not finish the exercises from the first NodeJS workshop, please complete these first.
  • Fork this repository and clone it in a new Cloud9 workspace.
  • All the work will be done in the master branch.

Creating our own callback-receiving functions (higher-order functions)

  • Create a file called call-callbacks.js where all your code will be
  • Create a function called firstChar that takes a string and a callback, and "returns" the first character of the string after one second.
  • NOTE: You won't be allowed to use the return keyword, because you'll only be "returning" in the callback to setTimeout, way after your function has finished executing.
  • Create a function called lastChar that takes a string and "returns" the last character of the string after one second.
  • Create a function called getFirstAndLast that takes a string and "returns" the first+last character of the string. Your function should use firstChar and lastChar to do its work. I should be able to call your function like this:
  getFirstAndLast("hello", function(firstLast) {
    console.log(firstLast); // should output "ho"
  • Add/commit/push
  • Create a pull request, and keep pushing to it after each exercise

Initializing your project

  • Using npm init, initialize your project any way you like.
  • Add/commit/push the newly created package.json to Git

Ignoring node_modules

  • Create a file at the root of your project called .gitignore
  • In this file, write one line that says node_modules, and save the file
  • Add and commit the .gitignore to Git

Your first module!

  • Create a library directory at the root of your project
  • Inside this directory, create a file called fortune.js
  • In this file, create a module that exports one getFortune function
  • When the getFortune function is called, it should return a random fortune/motivational quote
  • Add/commit/push

Using your first module

  • At the root of the project, create a file called fortune-teller.js
  • In this file, load your fortune module that you created in the previous step
  • Using the module, make your program output a random fortune to the command-line
  • Run your program from the command line with node fortune-teller.js
  • Add/commit/push

How's the weather?

  • Go to Forecast.io API and read the documentation
  • Get yourself a free API key
  • Remember the Google Geocoding API from yesterday's workshop
  • Using both APIs, complete the following workflow:
    • Ask the user for their location
    • Retrieve the weather for the user's location
    • Display the current weather as well as the next 5 days weather in a nice way
    • Hint: to display the results in a nice way, a few NPM modules could be useful, including but not limited to:
      • colors
      • cli-table
      • node-emoji
  • Add/commit/push

Synonyms/similar words/equivalent words/commensurate words

  • Go to Big Huge Thesaurus and read the documentation for the API
  • Get yourself a free API key from their system
  • Using this API, we will create a NodeJS app for synonyms
  • Creating the API:
    • Create a file library/synonyms.js
    • In this file, create and export a constructor function called SynonymAPI. It takes an api key as parameter and sets it on the new object
    • In the prototype of SynonymAPI, add a function getSynonyms. It takes a word and a callback. It makes a request to the web api and gives back the results as an object to the callback function.
    • If there was an error, it should be passed down to the callback
  • Creating the program:
    • Create a file get-synonyms.js at the root of your project
    • Import your module and create an instance using your API key
    • Prompt the user for a word
    • Using your API, retrieve the synonyms/antonyms/etc. for the input word
    • If everything goes well, display all the results to the user in a nice way
    • Hint: to display the results in a nice way, a few NPM modules could be useful, including but not limited to:
      • colors
      • cli-table
      • node-emoji
  • Add/commit/push