
Attempt to identify common CMS and web applications with a single request.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Attempt to identify common CMS and web applications with a single request.

Supports output from Nessus and Nmap. You can also supply a single URL or file with a list of URLs.

For example:

$ python webintel.py --url http://en.wikipedia.org
[*] Starting Web Intel scanner -- by Dan Amodio
[*] This script attempts to identify common CMS and web applications with a single request.
[!] http://en.wikipedia.org : Mediawiki


I'm using httplib2, so you'll need that:

$ pip install httplib2

Then it should be good to go!


$ python webintel.py
usage: webintel.py [-h] [--nmap NMAP] [--nessus NESSUS] [--listfile LISTFILE]
                   [--url URL] [--fqdn] [--debug]

Shakedown webservices for known CMS and technology stacks.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --nmap NMAP          nmap xml file.
  --nessus NESSUS      .nessus xml file.
  --listfile LISTFILE  straight file list containing fully qualified urls.
  --url URL            profile a url.
  --fqdn               Use the fully qualified domain name from scanner output
                       (DNS). Pretty important if doing this over the internet
                       due to how some shared hosting services route.
  --debug              Print the response data.

Output types

$ python webintel.py --url http://en.wikipedia.org --output csv
http://en.wikipedia.org, Mediawiki

$ python webintel.py --url http://en.wikipedia.org --output xml

Note that warning and error messages will still output to terminal as std.err. If you redirect output to a file, these messages should not populate into the file.