A library for LEAP Robotics by Adam Carmichael carneeki@carneeki.net authored in spare time.
Configuration tells the programming language which motors have names, and where they are plugged in.
RobotC typically likes to include the configuration in every program. This is actually a bad programming practice, because we have to repeat the configuration in every program, and it also means if we update the configuration in one place (eg teleop) we have to also update it in autonomous. This is annoying, and breaks the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle.
By storing the configuration in config.h
, we only need to open the file and
run through the configuration wizard once each time we make a change.
Place code in autonomous.c
, specifically, look for a line to the effect of
// TODO: place autonomous code here
in side the task main()
Place code in teleop.c
, specifically, look for a line to the effect of
// TODO: place teleop code here
Teleop code will typically be a short piece of code that is repeated over and over. It will usually take input from the joystick and tell the robot to do something with that input. Moving around, and making a manipulator (such as an arm or plow upon a button being pushed) are common tasks.
contains helper functions that are useful for both teleop and
autonomous programs. They are:
tells the robot to drive for a specific amount of timedriveDistance()
tells the robot to drive for a specific distancepivot()
tells the robot to pivot (turn) in a clockwise direction for a specific amount of time.servoAngle()
tells the robot to move a servo to a specific angle.
In addition are two other functions:
These functions take a speed and tell the motor(s) to drive at that speed. If you have only a single motor assigned to each side, these functions may be left alone. If you have two motors assigned to each side, then these functions allow you to tell both motors to drive easily.
Finally, there is one last function that is useful to move a motor that might not be connected to drive (such as a winch motor):
tells the robot to move a motor to move at a given speed.
Speeds are a floating point value (a number with a decimal point) from -1.0 to 1.0.
Angles are an integer from 0 to 359 degrees.
Times are measured in milliseconds (or 'millis').
Distances are measured in metres.
This function will tell the robot to drive in a straight line at a given speed
for a set time. It takes the form driveTime(float speed, int millis)
Hint: Useful for autonomous!
Note: This function will not drive in a perfectly straight line, but it will try it's best. If one side is lagging behind the other, it will slow down the fast side.
This function will tell the robot to drive in a straight line at a given speed
for a certain distance. It takes the form
driveDistance(float speed, float distance)
Hint: Useful for autonomous!
Note: This function will not drive in a perfectly straight line, but it will try it's best. If one side is lagging behind the other, it will slow down the fast side.
This function will tell the robot to pivot (turn on the spot) at a given speed
for a set time. It takes the form pivot(float speed, int millis)
Hint: Use me to steer in autonomous!
Hint: It is probably useful to find out out how long it takes to pivot 90
degrees (eg 200ms) and make a note of that in the config.h
file as a constant
using the #define
notation. This is called "dead reckoning" where the robot
doesn't know which way it is facing, but it can take a guess based on how long
it has been turning. If the wheels skid (or is caught on an obstacle temporarily)
the robot will have no way of detecting this, and so it might be facing the
wrong way when it stops. Read the advanced hint for ways to get around this if
you think it is a big problem.
Advanced hint: pro-teams will use a gyro sensor when they want to turn a given
angle. A challenge for you will be to implement this if you get a gyro. A
recommended function prototype: pivotAngle(float speed, int angle)
This function will tell the robot to move a servo to a given angle. It takes
the form servoAngle(TServoIndex srv, int angle)
is useful to move an arm or gripper that is driven by a servo.
Hint: Useful in autonomous AND teleop.
Suppose you want to raise an arm connected to a 270 degree servo, where the resting position is 0 degrees and the upright position is 90 degrees; the arm should be held up for 5 seconds (while the robot does something else), and then lowers back down:
seroAngle(servoArm, 90, 270);
servoAngle(servoArm, 0, 270);
We must specify the maximum angle of the servo, this is because some servos have a maximum range of 180 degrees, some are 90, and some are 270 degrees. Servos usually work with a percentage of their maximum travel, so the function will calculate what the percentage is every time.
It might be useful to write your own function at the end of helpers.h
might look like:
void armUp()
servoAngle(servoArm, 90, 270);
void armDown()
servoAngle(servoArm, 0, 270);
So the example code might look like this:
These functions tell the robot to drive either the left or the right hand side
of the drive train at a specified speed, they take the form
motorLeft(float speed)
A piece of tank drive code can be as simple as:
getJoystickSettings(joystick); // get updates from the laptop
motorLeft(joystick.joy1_y1); // set left motor(s) to Joystick Y1
motorRight(joystick.joy1_y2); // set right motor(s) to Joystick Y2
This function tells the robot to drive a specific motor at a given speed. It
takes the form moveMotor(tMotor mot, float speed)
Say one wanted to drive a winch for 5 seconds, it could be done as follows:
moveMotor(wichMotor, 1.0);
wait1Msec(5000); // wait 5 seconds
moveMotor(winchMotor, 0.0);