
Google Developer Group DevFest - 2015 - How to build and maintain large scale applications

Primary LanguageHTML

AngularJS: Building and maintaining a large scale application

At Blip we are currently rebuilding all our products and transforming them into single page apps. Application performance and fast releases are key points for the business.

In this talk I will share our current developing process, how do we handle weekly releases, how we manage to have more than 10 teams working on different projects sharing code and how AngularJs eases this process.

Slides: http://carneiror.github.io/gdgporto-2015/presentation

Presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QxcBF_EF4k

Useful links


Small demo to show how we structure our apps at Blip/Betfair

User Module

A simple module that must work on a sandbox environment.

Application Module

An application example that imports an external module and use it.