
This software offer a easy way to produce a basic singlepage website

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

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Simple Single Page

This software offer a easy way to produce a basic singlepage website


This mini web application offers:

  1. Real Visual Edition of the content
  2. Easy templating
  3. Auto-generation of the menu
  4. Integration of
    1. Jquery
    2. Bootstrap
    3. CKEditor (the WYSIWYG)
  5. NO SQL database
  6. sitemap.xml and robot.txt ready to use


There are 1 and half steps to install this software:

  1. copy all the contents of singlepage/* in the root/* of the server;

If something don't work check the permission of the file sample.xml and edit.php to 775.



Editing the file template.php you can change the visualization of your page.

For each tag editable you should specify some data:

  • a id="id_of_the_tag"
  • the attribute contenteditable to true
  • and the output of the variable $html['id_of_the_tag']


<div id="content" contenteditable="true">
    <?php echo $html['content']; ?>

The auto generated menu

The application offer a auto generate menu. You should place in the template.php file a ul tag with the class="menu". The ul should contain the id of the sible div (the editable div). For each h2 in the sible will be generate a entry in the menu.

The menu is only active in the view mode.

<ul class="nav nav-pills nav-stacked menu">content</ul>

Advanced settings

You can edit the CDK configuration in edit.php to use other package by cdn.ckeditor.com.

And at the same time you can specify the plug-in to load or disable for advanced configuration.

Know Issuses

The list:

  • #1 writing HTML the code will generate undefined behavior.