
Contains template image derived from patients with cerebellar degeneration and healthy controls and associated files.

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This repository contains the template image derived from patients with cerebellar degeneration and healthy controls and associated files.

Template information

The template available in this repository were derived from structural MRI scans of 40 patients diagnosed with pure cerebellar cortical degeneration and 40 age and sex-matched neurologically healthy individuals.

Template created from 40 patients with cerebellar degeneration and 40 healthy subjects

A study-specific template is included into this repository along with associated files:

File Description
DeCon_template.nii.gz DeCon template image
DeCon_template_mask.nii.gz DeCon template whole-brain mask
DeCon_template_cerebellar_mask.nii.gz DeCon template cerebellar mask
DeCon_to_MNI_warp.nii.gz DeCon template non-linear warp to MNI152NLin6Asym template
MNI_to_DeCon_warp.nii.gz MNI152NLin6Asym template non-linear warp to DeCon template

Template validation

The template significantly reduces the spatial spread of anatomical landmarks in cerebellar patients and controls compared to existing templates. For the results and the code to reproduce the results, please see the DegenerationConnectivity repository.