The Nina Story

Week 8 HTML Website With Css: Website built using external CSS

The website needs:

  • This assignment is to style the week 7 website with an external cascading style sheet. (no inline or internal styling)
  • All elements need to be styled.
  • Style rules need to be applied to the class, id and element selectors.

I borrowed In Easy Steps CSS from the Library for ideas and hints

I created my color pallet using the cooolers website

If you add this to a page when designing it helps because you can click on the color to copy the color value

< !-- Coolors Palette Widget -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <script data-id="019003223309016004">new CoolorsPaletteWidget("019003223309016004", ["0081a7", "00afb9", "fdfcdc", "fed9b7", "f07167"], "8");