Server Side Development

Examples of servers constructed with node.js from scratch and with the framework express.

It consists of differents examples:

Server constructed from scratch, it displays Hello World

More elaborated server constructed from scratch which render html pages if exists, and sends HTTP answers if it doesn't.

Server constructed with express. It shows a Hello World messege.

Server constructed with express which render the HTML pages stored in ./public folder.

Serves differenths methods like POST, GET, PUT, DELETE.

You can use the extension of Chrome: POSTMan

It is a improve of server-5.js using the Router object.

Is the assignment1, where I implemented rounting requiring it from the principal module.

To run the previous ones servers:

node <name of the server>

Is a server constructed with express-generator. It serves the same of server-7.js.

To build one:

sudo npm install express-generator -g

express node-express-gen

npm install

npm start

Is a server using simple connection with mongoDB.

Running the server:

npm install express morgan body-parser

node server-number.js

Server that inserts, modify and consults in a collection of a DB.

Running the server:

npm install mongodb --save

npm install assert --save

node server-number.js

Starting with mongoose and the definitions of Schemas mongodb. server1.js and server2.js do the same with different methods. server3.js uses an document inside another with Schemas.

Running the server:

npm install

node server-number.js

Server that handles some operations with users, using mongoose.

Running the server:

npm install

npm run start

Basic authorization to access to the server.

Running the server:

npm install

node server-1.js

Basic authorization to access to the server and quick start with cookies and signed cookies.

Running the server:

npm install

node server-2.js

Basic authorization to access to the server using express sessions.

Running the server:

npm install

node server-3.js

Authentication using passport and JSON Web Tokens (JWB).

Running the server:

npm install

npm run start

Here you can see how to reference documents with mongoose population. This server has users authentication.

Running the server:

npm install

npm run start

Example of a server that uses https and redirects the traffic to it.

Running the server:

npm install

npm run start

Creating secret key and a certificate:

openssl genrsa 1024 > private.key
openssl req -new -key private.key -out cert.csr
openssl x509 -req -in cert.csr -signkey private.key -out certificate.pem

See an example here.

Authenticating users with Facebook using OAuth and passport-facebook.

You have to register your app in facebook developers and update the clientID with the identification of the app and the clientSecret for the secret application password provided by Facebook in our server and
to run the server. You also need to indicate in the configuration of the app in facebook the callbackURL that you are using when the user login successfuly with the app.

Running the server:

npm install

npm run start

See another example here and here.

You can also make authentications with Twitter using passport-twitter, with Google using passport-google-oauth.

Server using LoopBack.

Running the server:

npm install

node .


In the servers that uses mongoDB remember to run the mongo daemon before running the server. You can check it here.

See and learn more at: