👋 Hello! My name is Carolina Quiterio and I'm an Apple Developer Academy student passionate about technology and iOS development in Brazil.
During my childhood, I hated veggies, and it was very hard for me to try them, and I even had deficiencies in some vitamins in my body. It turns out that when I was 15 years old, I decided to become a vegetarian, so I had to learn how to eat vegetables. This decision made me experiment different plates and vegetables, and I began to like them. Now, veggies are one of the best parts of my meals, and I love them.
Because of this, I decided to combine three things that I love: 1. Veggies; 2. Technology; and 3. Mathematics. I then created VeggieMathics, a Playground App written in Swift that tells the story of Carol, a girl who needs help to collect vitamins and recipes of some veggies by solving math challenges. I made this Playground to help children, like myself, have the opportunity to truly experience the benefits of incorporating vegetables into their diet in a delicious way for a healthier lifestyle.
To make VeggieMathics I used Swift, SwiftUI and XCode 14.0.
The design was made using Figma.
- The app was designed to run on Apple iPad Air (5th generation) 10:9pol, on the XCode Simulator ou phisic device.
- The fruits, vegetables and greens images and arrow and check icons were designed by me using Figma.
- The return and play icon were taken from SF Symbols, from Apple.
- The girl image was generated using the Cute Cartoon Character Generator (https://www.figma.com/community/file/1177999849331686918) and then modified by me.
- The background shapes were taken from:
- Rouded shapes: https://www.figma.com/community/file/1140882096549674882
- Baloon and pen: https://www.figma.com/community/file/1215234823481364878
- The text font was taken from Google Fonts - Patrick Hand SC: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Patrick+Hand+SC?query=patrick+hand All recipes and dish images were taken from Cookpad, here are the links:
- Banana: https://cookpad.com/br/receitas/16486377-panqueca-de-banana?ref=search&search_term=panqueca%20de%20banana
- Lettuce: https://cookpad.com/br/receitas/16802693-salada-de-tomates-e-alface-em-formato-de-fatia-de-melancia
- Tomato: https://cookpad.com/br/receitas/16778082-molho-de-tomate-para-espaguete-gnocchi-e-massas-curtas
- Carrot: https://cookpad.com/br/receitas/15607469-cenouras-rusticas-na-air-fryer?ref=search&search_term=cenoura%20air%20fryer
- Eggplant: https://cookpad.com/br/receitas/13007787-berinjela-assada-e-arroz-7-graos-com-damasco-e-amendoas?ref=search&search_term=beringela%20assada
- Broccoli: https://cookpad.com/br/receitas/16856074-hamburger-de-brocolis