
Python script to produce time-series imaging of a collection of straight tubes using an XY stage controlled by stepper motors and a DSLR camera.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python program to image different parts of a setup using an XY stage controlled by stepper motors. This command line script enables the control of a two-axis linear stage and a DSLR to take images of rectilinear samples (e.g. tubes) arranged in a grid at regular intervals.

The stage object uses the Adafruit libraries to control the steppers connected to an Adafruit DC & Stepper Motor HAT mounted on a Raspberry Pi.

The camera object is a wrapper for the OpenCV DSLR interfacing enabled by cv2.VideoCapture.


Clone the stimage repository

git clone https://github.com/hlgirard/stimage.git
cd stimage

Install with pip as editable

pip install -e .

Adjust the code to your setup

At a minimum, the following constants present in the code should be checked and modified prior to using this script:

In stimage.py

  • CAPILLARY_LENGTH: total length in interleaved steps to be imaged
  • CAPILLARY_X_INTERVAL: interval between successive images along the X-axis
  • CAPILLARY_Y_INTERVAL: interval between successive images along the Y-axis

In control/stage.py

  • stage.maxX (and Y) [int]: length of the X-axis (respectively, Y-axis) in interleaved steps
  • stage.stepperX (and Y): should be set to stage.kit.stepper1 or 2 depending on the desired reference frame
  • stage.limXMaxBut (and Y): should be adjusted to reflect the pin number of the lower/upper limit button Button(<GPIO_PIN_OF_BUTTON>, bounce_time=0.05)



Use the following command to start imaging 2 tubes for a total of 4 hours with a delay of 1.6 seconds between the capture command and movement of the stage. Checks the alignment of the stage before running by going to the corners of the tubes. Saves all the images to image_directory.

stimage --check --tubes 2 --tot-time 4 --delay 1.6 image_directory


  • -v, --verbose increase the verbosity level. -vv for debug level logging.
  • -c, --check check alignment by going to the corners of the tubes before starting capture.
  • -n, --tubes Number of tubes in the Y direction. Default 1.
  • t, --tot-time Total time of imaging in hours. Default 1.
  • d, --delay Delay between the initiation of the capture command and the next stage movement in seconds to account for camera focusing and exposure. Mandatory.

Repository structure

  • stimage.py: main entry point, handles the logic take pictures at a prescribed interval
  • control
    • stage.py: handles the XY stage hardware control logic wrapped in the Stage object.
    • camera.py: handles the camera hardware control logic.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.