Ben Carp Assignment to Optibus

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Live Persistent data

Google Firebase was used for data persistency. It allowed me to easily create a live data connection. I took advantage of this feature to allow multiple users to use the app, and at the same time be updated of changes made by others.

To view experience of multiple users open the app in two separate windows

This is a json based persistent data manged from the client. Managing data in such a way has the following disadvantages:

  1. As far as I know there is no easy way to query the data.
  2. Data is managed from the client. No separation of concerns. Also might be less safe under certain circumstances.

Known Issues

  • App is not mobile friendly. It displays well in screens wider than 1400px.
  • The entire App rerenders on every selection. For a bigger list it might cause performance issue and rendering optimization will be required.
  • I use inline css in js in nested components. This is debatable.

Full discolusre

I consulted another programmer about the firebase database.