carpedm20's Followers
- 2paperstarGwangju Institute of Science and Technology
- bemijonathan@oakslab
- byothSeoul
- chaehongleeMicrosoft
- darongzzangKorea
- DevLuceApple Developer Academy @ POSTECH
- dewarr
- directorBae@Interactive-Machine-Intelligence-Lab @HeXA-UNIST @team-BBaBam-BBaBam
- fifteenmania
- Foreverwillie1941
- Ilovecode93
- jungseungyeokakaopay
- K-KyunghoIndustrial Management Engineering, Korea University
- kjwamlex
- Koda-BlackRemote
- kyuhyeokseoSeoul
- meowfu0Philippines
- minicheshire@THUNLP-MT @AgentForceTeamOfficial
- mrsuit0114konkuk.univ
- noideawhatimdoing-llm
- NuPlay@bluesignumCorp
- phaidonas-dev
- predict-wooKorea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- rootyJeonArcreal
- s8ngyuKorea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- sobabearMechanical Engineering
- sozohoy@pixohq
- spade001Nop
- syed-aliredhaNanyang Technological University
- trinhminhtrietRust
- well-balancedIF Inc.
- White1689
- withSangKAIST '21 School of Computing
- yongbeomkwak@wakmusic
- yyle88
- ZhefeiGongTongji University