
Home Assistant bot that integrates with Signal

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Signal Bot Integration for Home Assistant

The Signal Bot Integration enables Home Assistant to interact with a Signal CLI REST API instance. This integration uses WebSockets to receive real-time messages and exposes services to send Signal messages with optional attachments.

The primary goal of this project is to build a Telegram like bot experience for Home Assistant without the need for running Telegram. I already use Signal and was looking to minimize the amount of other applications I need on my phone to interact with the bot.

This integration has a dependency on the Signal CLI Rest API created by @bbernhard. I deployed the docker container that he makes available on his repo and followed his documentation to register a custom Google Voice phone number with the Signal network for my house. Everything else can be handled by this integration.

Table of Contents


  • Real-Time Message Reception: Receive Signal messages via WebSocket and display them as a sensor in Home Assistant.
  • Message State Tracking: Track the latest message, typing indicators, and maintain a history of messages.
  • Send Messages: Send messages, including optional attachments (base64-encoded data), directly from Home Assistant.
  • Fully Configurable: Input the Signal API URL and phone number during setup.


Before installing this integration, ensure the following:

  1. Signal CLI REST API is up and running.

    • Documentation: Signal CLI REST API
    • Example Docker command to run it locally:
      docker run -d --name signal-cli-rest-api -p 8080:8080 bbernhard/signal-cli-rest-api:latest
  2. Home Assistant is installed and running.

  3. homeassistant.external_url is configured in your configuration.yaml. This is required for generating valid attachment URLs when sending messages.


      external_url: "https://your-homeassistant-domain.com"

    Replace https://your-homeassistant-domain.com with the actual external URL for your Home Assistant instance.

  4. The Signal CLI REST API endpoint must be accessible from the Home Assistant server.


Via HACS (Recommended)

  1. Go to HACS in your Home Assistant UI.
  2. Navigate to Integrations > Custom Repositories.
  3. Add the following repository URL as a custom repository:
    • Set the category as Integration.
  4. After adding the repository, go to Explore & Download Repositories.
  5. Search for Signal Bot and install it.
  6. Restart Home Assistant after installation.

Manual Installation

  1. Download the repository as a ZIP file.
  2. Extract the contents into:
  3. Restart Home Assistant.


1. Add the Integration

  1. In Home Assistant, navigate to:

    Settings > Devices & Services > Add Integration
  2. Search for Signal Bot and select it.

  3. Enter the following details:

    • API URL: WebSocket-enabled Signal REST API endpoint (e.g., http://signal-cli:8080).
    • Phone Number: Your registered Signal phone number, including the country code (e.g., +1234567890).
  4. Click Submit.

2. Sending Messages

The integration registers a send_message service under signal_bot. You can call this service in automations or scripts.

Service Example: Sending a Simple Message

service: signal_bot.send_message
  recipient: "+1234567890"
  message: "Hello, this is a test message!"

Service Example: Sending Attachments

You can send attachments via base64.

service: signal_bot.send_message
  recipient: "+1234567890"
  message: "Here's an image!"
    - "data:image/png;filename=test.png;base64,<BASE64_ENCODED_STRING>"


Once configured, this integration creates the following entities:

Entity ID Description
sensor.signal_bot_messages Displays the content of the latest message. Tracks typing indicators and maintains a message history.

State Attributes

Attribute Description
latest_message Details of the most recent message.
all_messages A list of all received messages.
typing_status Displays typing actions (e.g., STARTED).
full_message The raw WebSocket payload for debugging.

Example Automations

Simple Automation

This example sends an alert via Signal when a door sensor triggers.

  - alias: "Send Signal Alert on Door Open"
      - platform: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.front_door
        to: "on"
      - service: signal_bot.send_message
          recipient: "+1234567890"
          message: "Alert! The front door has been opened."

Complex Automation

Jinja does funny things with the '+' character, and this API requires that the phone number be prepended with country code (IE +1). Here's a sample of my Automation that ensures the +1 is present on the send message block:

  - id: signal_bot_back_and_forth
    alias: Signal Bot Back-and-Forth Automation
    description: "Respond to Signal messages using the conversation agent."
      - platform: state
        entity_id: sensor.signal_bot_messages

      conversation_agent: conversation.signal_chatbot
      signal_sender_number: "{{ trigger.to_state.attributes.latest_message.source }}"
      conversation_id: "signal_{{ signal_sender_number }}"

      - condition: template
        alias: "Check if sender is in whitelist or no whitelist set"
        value_template: >-
          {% set whitelist = states('input_text.signal_whitelist_user_ids') %}
          {{ whitelist == 'unknown' or
             whitelist == '' or
             whitelist == None or
             signal_sender_number in whitelist.split(',') }}

      - alias: "Send message to the conversation agent"
        service: conversation.process
          text: "[{{ signal_sender_number }}] {{ signal_message_text }}"
          conversation_id: "{{ conversation_id }}"
          agent_id: "{{ conversation_agent }}"
        response_variable: response
        continue_on_error: false

      - alias: "Send assistant response back to Signal sender"
        service: signal_bot.send_message
        data: >
          {% set num = "+" ~ signal_sender_number %}
          {% set msg = response.response.speech.plain.speech %}
          {{ { "recipient": num, "message": msg } }}
        continue_on_error: true


Set up development environment

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Create a virtual environment: python -m venv venv
  3. Activate the virtual environment:
    • Windows: .\venv\Scripts\activate
    • Unix/macOS: source venv/bin/activate
  4. Install development dependencies: pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
  5. Install pre-commit hooks: pre-commit install

VS Code Development

This repository includes recommended VS Code settings and extensions. When you open this repository in VS Code, you should be prompted to install the recommended extensions. If not, you can:

  1. Open the Extensions view (Ctrl+Shift+X or Cmd+Shift+X)
  2. Search for @recommended
  3. Install "Workspace Recommended Extensions"

Recommended Extensions

  • Python Essentials

    • Python (ms-python.python)
    • Ruff (charliermarsh.ruff)
    • Pylance (ms-python.vscode-pylance)
    • Python Debugger (ms-python.debugpy)
  • File Format Support

    • YAML (redhat.vscode-yaml)
    • Prettier (esbenp.prettier-vscode)
    • Even Better TOML (tamasfe.even-better-toml)
  • GitHub Integration

    • GitHub Actions (github.vscode-github-actions)
    • GitHub Pull Requests (GitHub.vscode-pull-request-github)
    • GitHub Copilot (GitHub.copilot) - Optional, if you use Copilot
  • Development Helpers

    • Code Spell Checker (streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker)
    • GitLens (eamodio.gitlens)
    • Home Assistant (keesschollaart.vscode-home-assistant)

VS Code Settings

The repository includes workspace-specific VS Code settings that:

  • Enable format on save
  • Configure Ruff as the Python formatter and linter
  • Enable Python type checking (basic mode)
  • Set line length ruler at 88 characters
  • Set up consistent file formatting (final newline, trim trailing whitespace)
  • Configure YAML files to use Home Assistant syntax highlighting

Pre-commit Hooks

This repository uses pre-commit hooks to ensure code quality and consistency. The following hooks are configured:

  • Ruff: Python formatting, linting and import sorting
  • Pre-commit hooks for:
    • Trailing whitespace
    • End of file fixing
    • YAML, JSON, and TOML validation
    • Large file checks
    • Debug statement checks
    • Case conflict checks
    • Merge conflict checks
  • Codespell with custom ignore list for project-specific terms

The hooks will run automatically on every commit. You can also run them manually:

pre-commit run --all-files


Common Errors

  1. cannot_connect:

    • Verify the Signal CLI REST API URL is correct and accessible from the Home Assistant server.
    • Test the health endpoint:
      curl http://signal-cli:8080/v1/health
  2. invalid_phone_number:

    • Ensure the phone number includes the country code (e.g., +1234567890).
  3. WebSocket Errors:

    • Check Signal CLI REST API logs for connection issues.
  4. Attachments Not Accessible:

    • Ensure homeassistant.external_url is configured and accessible.

Known Issues

  • Sending large base64 attachments may fail due to API limits.
  • Ensure the Signal CLI REST API is configured with sufficient memory and storage for attachments.


To enable debug logging for this integration, add the following to your configuration.yaml:

    custom_components.signal_bot: debug



This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


For issues, questions, or feature requests, please visit the GitHub Issues page.