
Scripts to parse Mexico's information from [here](https://github.com/carranco-sga/Mexico-COVID-19) and generate updates to regional or global repositories.

Primary LanguageJulia

Scripts to parse Mexico's COVID-19 information by entity to global databases.

Scripts to parse Mexico's information from here and generate updates to regional or global repositories.

Current repositories being supported:

  • covid-19_latinoamerica: Latin America's cases. Link

For the latitude and longitude of each state, we use the data for the capital of each one available from INEGI here with the following filters:

"Áreas Geoestadísticas Estatal (AGEE) :Nacional Nivel de desagregación : Localidad Geoestadística Tipo de reporte : Catálogo Fecha de corte de la información : 2020/FEB Formato de los nombres : Mayúscula sin acento"