Hi, I'm Daniel Carrera! I'm a full-stack developer and I'm available for hire. Currently, I'm specializing in Ruby and JavaScrip.
Fundación casa de la memoriaPasto
Pinned Repositories
This project was created to save and share your favourite books. Built with javascript
In this project, I created a web page for a Music Camp.
This is a personal portfolio that I use to public my best works
This web app will give you the possibility to convert normal text into H1 text.
In this activity I set up a JavaScript project for the Leaderboard list app, using webpack and ES6 features, notably modules.
Mievent is a web application that lend you find all kind of events around the world. You can choose different countries and see different kind of events with his respective information including: start date, time, prices, general information, location and seatmaps. Each event card also includes a Purchase button that lends you to purchase event
Is a web application that simulates a pomodoro tracker. You can establish the time that you want to work and the time that you want to rest. Once your work time or your time to rest finish, you will hear a sound that indicates the change of session. As you increases your number of session, you'll have a visual interfaces that indicates your current
In this project, you will start building your school library app. In this initial step, you will implement the classes to represent students and teachers.
In this project, I build a simple HTML list of To Do tasks where you can add a new task, delete and change elements of positions
For this project, you will create a Bash script that enters information from World Cup games into PostgreSQL, then query the database for useful statistics.
carreraprogrammer's Repositories
This is a repository created to follow the Javascript Algorithms and Data Structures by Colt Steele. The course gradually progresses to cover advanced topics that many other similar courses tend to shy away from, including Heaps, Graphs, and Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm to gain a gain a deep understanding of these complex subjects.
This repositorie was created in order to execute the functions and solve the problems of the book brave clojure
This is a walkthrough for the freeCodeCamp Choropleth Map project from start to finish. We import some JSON data with geographical and educational data about counties in the United States and use d3 to render a Choropleth Map, by converting topojson into geojson and then using the geoPath() method to draw paths.
This is an ecommerce created for moneta, a coffe shop that provide resouces for a foundation called "La casa de la memoria" or "Memory House".
SpendSparrow is a mobile web application where you can manage your budget: you have a list of transactions associated with a category, so that you can see how much money you spent and on what.
A boilerplate for the freeCodeCamp curriculum.
This is a full walkthrough for the Treemap Diagram Data Visualization project.We import some data on the movies, create a hierarchy and visualize them with a treemap diagram where the area of the tile is proportional to the revenue.
Recipes App is a rails app will be an app that helps in managing food recipes and food items. It also automatically generates shopping lists for users to know the missing ingredients for their recipes.
A Ionic application that helps users to capture their important moments in his life using pictures
This is a Nest.js backend for my thesis project. I'm creating a dashborard to organize and gestionate the environmental aspects of any company, using smart components organically integrated with ai to facilitate common tasks
use HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and the D3 svg-based visualization library to build a heath map
Rails React Effortlessly merging Rails, React, and Redux Toolkit through Webpack to simplifies the development process, elevates front-end user engagement, and guarantees effective state control within a cohesive full-stack web application.
Rails React Effortlessly merging Rails, React, and Redux Toolkit through Webpack to simplifies the development process, elevates front-end user engagement, and guarantees effective state control within a cohesive full-stack web application.
This application was created to learn how to Implement a connection between a Ruby on Rails back-end and React front-end.
A script using sh and psql to create a Salon appointment schedule
This travel booking project uses PostgreSQL and Ruby on Rails for the backend, along with React for the frontend. It includes user authentication, item listing, reservations, and responsive design for mobile and desktop.
This travel booking project uses PostgreSQL and Ruby on Rails for the backend, along with React for the frontend. It includes user authentication, item listing, reservations, and responsive design for mobile and desktop.