
A few dotfiles for my Manjaro/i3 desktop.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Just some dotfiles for my Manjaro i3 development environment.

Clone a theme folder to $HOME to use the config.

In general, I use:

   WM: i3

   Terminal: Sakura

   File Manager: Nemo


   GTK Theme: Adapta Nokto Eta Maia

   Icon Theme: Papirus Adapta Nokto

   Oh My Zsh Theme: agnoster



This theme requires conky with lua support and is designed for 1920x1080 resolution. It will require some adjustment for other displays. Screenfetch required for distro logo.

Fonts used are Gunplay and TerminessTTF Nerd Font Mono.

   GTK Theme: Matcha Dark Aliz

   Icon Theme: Breeze Dark Red

   Oh My Zsh Theme: dogenpunk
