
Powered by Mason

A brick that helps in creating a bloc and its associated screens and widgets.

Generated by mason 🧱

Getting Started 🚀

To create a bloc, run the following command:

mason make bloc_feature

and enter the name of the feature

This will create the following folder structure [considering the name of the feature is feedback]:

|- feeback_bloc
|   |
|   |- feedback_bloc.dart
|   |- feedback_event.dart
|   |- feedback_state.dart
|- screen
|   |
|   |- feedback_screen.dart
|- widget
|   |- atom
|   | |- feedback_atom.dart
|   |- molecule
|   | |- feedback_molecule.dart
|   |- organism
|   | |- feedback_widget.dart

This brick generates freezed compatible code so the following packages are required to work properly:

    sdk: flutter
  flutter_bloc: 7.2.0
  freezed_annotation: null

  build_runner: null
  flutter_gen_runner: null
  freezed: null
  json_serializable: null

Thank you for using Bloc_feature brick!

  • [Official Mason Documentation][2]