
Creates a Lucene index out of files from a local folder

Primary LanguageJava


Converts PDF, TXT or HTML documents to a Lucene index (for use with Carrot2 Clustering Workbench)

Quick usage guide

- install Apache Maven.

- run:
  mvn clean package
- cd target

- prepare a folder FOO with your PDF, HTML or plain text files. Prepare an empty folder BAR
  for the index.

- run:

  java -jar folder2index-0.0.2.jar --folder FOO --index BAR --use-tika

The index will be created. Download and open Carrot2 Workbench.


Select Lucene as the document source and pick the correct fields for the title, content and URL (pick file path as
the URL field).


Select other input options (how many results to cluster, query or *:*) and run your clustering.