Creole Wiki Markup V1.0 C Parser ======================= Author: Charlie FG, Modified: 2014/06/20 A parser that converts inputted creole formatted text blocks into HTML formatted text blocks. It functions as a state machine and tracks changes per line and per text block. It logically breaks the text block into lines which it then processes individually. There are two different kinds of token on a line: * Control tokens - these are reserved tokens for creole to use as formatters * String tokens - these are your alphanumeric tokens, as well as space note: some tokens may be within the range checked for control tokens; they are treated as string tokens if they have no specific handling. Each line is broken up into two or three sections: * Control section - This is for handling tokens that may qualify the line. It is delimited by the first string token. * String section - This will be the bulk of the line with formatting, alphanumeric, spaces. It is delimited by the end of line * Trail Section - This is a special section that is entered if the end of the line consists of control tokens. As formatting is encountered, the machine's flags are toggled and untoggled. There are two different kinds of flags * Global flags - these are for when formatting is toggled over multiple lines (multiple logical breaks) * Local flags - (or Line flags) these are for formatting that exists for the maximum duration of a line As a line is read the tokens are placed in a buffer depending on what kind of token it is (control or string); when a token is encountered that is not of the previously buffered tokens, it triggers the processing of the buffered tokens. Essentially what happens as it reads through is the machine will flip between parsing control tokens, to parsing string tokens, to control tokens, to string tokens etc. until the end of the line. Current Compliance ================== - Bold ** - Italic // - Headings - Ignored any formatting in headers - Ignores trailing heading control tokens - Internal Links - External links - Formatting on link description - Unordered Lists + ordered lists - Nesting and mixing of lists - Space can be used or ommitted - If space is used, will allow for bold emphasis on first word of list item - Paragraphs - Emphasis stops at new paragraph - Unordered lists stop at new paragrpah - Forced line break \\ - Horizontal rules ---- - Nowiki blocks and inline {{{ }}} - Images {{ }} - Images in links Todo ==== - Tables |=| - Escape character ~ - Place holder <<< >>> - Maintain current emphasis state in link description