Sample Data Generator
- Generator.php #50: $baseCount = 1000; // This is the count that you want to generator once.
- All the generate rule is defined in *.php that under the Generator directory.
cd /var/www/arosample/
php Generator.php
- This will generate the contacts at range 1~1000, and 1000 is depend on $baseCount on the above.
- Re-Generate the sql and Rewrite the file sample.sql.
- If you want apend sql to this sql file, please look the step 2+ as bellow:
2+. php Generator.php 1000 (This will generate the contacts at range 1001
2000) php Generator.php 2000 (This will generate the contacts at range 20013000) ...
cd /var/www/arosoftware/arosoftware_rebuild
ant database-setup
mysql -u root -p
source /var/www/arosample/sample.sql