
Language agnostic repository for Cars.com engineers to post solutions to code exercises

Primary LanguageElixir


Language agnostic repository for Cars.com engineers to post solutions to code exercises


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Date Exercise Elixir Template File Path Challenge URL Notes
7/14/21 @ 230pm CT Cryptopals, Set 1, Challenge 1 cryptopals/set1/challenge1/elixir_template/challenge1_template.ex https://cryptopals.com/sets/1/challenges/1
7/21/21 @ 230pm CT Cryptopals, Set 1, Challenge 2 cryptopals/set1/challenge2/elixir_template/challenge2_template.ex https://cryptopals.com/sets/1/challenges/2
7/28/21 @ 230pm CT Cryptopals, Set 1, Challenge 3 cryptopals/set1/challenge3/elixir_template/challenge3_template.ex https://cryptopals.com/sets/1/challenges/3
8/04/21 @ 230pm CT Cryptopals, Set 1, Challenge 3 cryptopals/set1/challenge3/elixir_template/challenge3_template.ex https://cryptopals.com/sets/1/challenges/3 Second round on this challenge.
8/11/21 @ 230pm CT Cryptopals, Set 1, Challenge 3 cryptopals/set1/challenge3/elixir_template/challenge3_template.ex https://cryptopals.com/sets/1/challenges/3 Third week of challenge 3, create string scorer
8/18/21 @ 230pm CT Cryptopals, Set 1, Challenge 4 cryptopals/set1/challenge4/elixir_template/challenge4_template.ex https://cryptopals.com/sets/1/challenges/4 First week of new challenge
8/25/21 @ 230pm CT Cryptopals, Set 1, Challenge 4 cryptopals/set1/challenge4/elixir_template/challenge4_template.ex https://cryptopals.com/sets/1/challenges/4 Second week of challenge 4
9/01/21 @ 230pm CT Cryptopals, Set 1, Challenge 5 cryptopals/set1/challenge5/elixir_template/challenge5_template.ex https://cryptopals.com/sets/1/challenges/5 First week of challenge 5

Submitting Solutions

Navigate to the challenge, set, and problem folder for the problem you are solving.

Add a file named for your solution group. For example, if I am solving with Paully Walnuts, I might add a file named: ck_pw_p1.ex to the folder: cryptopals/set1/challenge1/submitted_solutions/

For ease of development, I will write my application code and test in the same file.

Example file:

defmodule Decode do
  def hello, do: "world"


defmodule DecodeTest do
  use ExUnit.Case

  test "hello/0" do
    assert Decode.hello() == "world"

Running Tests

$ elixir -r cryptopals/set1/challenge1/submitted_solutions/ck_pw_p1.ex

Ref: https://medium.com/@amuino/running-elixir-tests-without-a-mix-project-a97bc05a1657