
Use Mapbox GL JS to visualize data in a Python Jupyter notebook

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Coverage Status PyPI version

Create Mapbox GL JS data visualizations natively in your Jupyter Notebook workflows with Python, GeoJSON and Pandas dataframes. Mapboxgl aims to be a data visualization focused mapping library built on top of the Mapbox GL JS SDK, similar to Folium built on top of Leaflet.

Try out an example notebook here!



pip install mapboxgl


Install the python library locally with pip:

pip install -e .

To run tests use pytest:

pip install pytest pytest

To run the jupiter examples,

  1. cd examples
  2. pip install jupyter
  3. jupyter notebook


Import the mapboxgl library and helper functions to start:

from mapboxgl.viz import *
from mapboxgl.utils import *
from mapboxgl.colors import *

mapboxgl visualizations take GeoJSON data as input. You can convert pandas dataframes to a GeoJSON feature collection:

data = df_to_geojson(df, ['Avg Total Payments'],
                     lat='latitude', lon='longitude')

Using the CircleViz visualization to view the data with a color ramp for the total payment column. Within a Jupyter notebook:

viz = CircleViz(data,
                color_property='Avg Total Payments',

The examples/ directory contains Jupyter notebooks demonstrating more advanced usage.


Viz Types

  • CircleViz (data, access_token, center, color_property, color_stops, label_property, opacity, below_layer, div_id, height, style_url, width, zoom)
  • GraduatedCircleViz (data, access_token, center, color_property, color_stops, radius_property, radius_stops, opacity, below_layer, div_id, height, style_url, width, zoom)
  • HeatmapViz (data, access_token, center, weight_property, weight_stops, color_stops, radius_stops, opacity, below_layer, div_id, height, style_url, width, zoom)
  • ClusteredCircleViz (data, access_token, center, color_stops, radius_stops, cluster_radius, cluster_maxzoom, opacity, below_layer, div_id, height, style_url, width, zoom)

Helper Functions

  • df_to_geojson (df, properties, lat, lon, precision)
  • scale_between (minval, maxval, numStops)
  • create_radius_stops (breaks, min_radius, max_radius)
  • create_weight_stops (breaks)


Under heavy development. As we move towards a 1.0 release, expect API changes. If you're interested in contributing and are curious about the direction of the project, check out ROADMAP.md.

Running Example

  1. Install Python3.4+
  2. pip install mapboxgl && pip install pysal && pip install pandas
  3. cd to /examples directory of mapboxgl-jupyter repo
  4. Open the point-viz-types-example.ipynb workbook
  5. Put your Mapbox GL Access Token (it's free for developers!) or add it to your environment variables as MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN.
  6. Run all cells in the notebook and explore the interactive maps.

Release process

  • After merging all relevant PRs for the upcoming release, pull the master branch
    • git checkout master
    • git pull
  • Update the version number in mapboxgl/__init__.py and push directly to master.
  • Tag the release
    • git tag <version>
    • git push --tags
  • Setup for pypi (one time only)
    • You'll need to pip install twine and set up your credentials in a ~/.pypirc file.
  • Create the release files
    • rm dist/* # clean out old releases if they exist
    • python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
  • Upload the release files
    • twine upload dist/mapboxgl-*