
Install a Textile daemon as a dependency via npm

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Install a Textile daemon as a dependency of your project

Install the latest go-textile binary


yarn add go-textile


Warning: The binary gets put in the go-textile folder inside the module folder.

Which version of go-textile will this package download?

Can be specified in package.json with a field go-textile.version, eg:

"go-textile": {
  "version": "v0.2.1"

If left blank (or specified as "next"), it will default to the latest go-textile release.


When used via node src/bin.js, you can specify the target platform, version and architecture via environment variables: TARGET_OS, TARGET_VERSION and TARGET_ARCH.

We fetch the versions dynamically from https://github.com/textileio/go-textile/releases and the OSes and architectures are listed as Assets. You can also fetch specific versions via command line arguments in the order of:

node src/bin.js <version> <platform> <architecture> <install directory>
node src/bin.js v0.2.1 linux amd64 ./go-textile


This is a direct fork of the npm-go-ipfs-dep library. Big thanks to all the contributors to that original package! See package.json, LICENSE, and CHANGELOG.md for details and contributions.